
Package dependency issue with RMySQL

sinarueeger opened this issue · 2 comments

Tried to run the example and got the following error

> library(locuscomparer)
> gwas_fn = system.file('extdata','gwas.tsv', package = 'locuscomparer')
> eqtl_fn = system.file('extdata','eqtl.tsv', package = 'locuscomparer')
> main(in_fn1 = gwas_fn, in_fn2 = eqtl_fn, title1 = 'CAD GWAS', title2 = 'Coronary Artery eQTL')
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘RMySQL’

Since RMySQL is essential to run the main functions, you could have it as a dependency too. Does this make sense?

Thank you. This is a good idea.

I have added dependencies on RMySQL and DBI.