- 0
[_is_file] function moved from load to utils needs update everywhere is called
#447 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
[Stations.measurements.get_table()] Pandas FutureWarning for `df.drop('meas_type_rank', 1, inplace=True)` not caught
#421 opened by stephenholleran - 1
[_get_dist_matrix_by_dir_sector_seasonal_adjusted] review calculation method for seasonal adjustment
#424 opened by rach185 - 2
- 1
- 0
[bw.Correl.SpeedSort] Several FutureWarnings when using SpeedSort to calculate directional veer.
#445 opened by Ilirmc - 0
[export wti] For Turbulence Intensity create export compatible with WindFarmer
#444 opened by rach185 - 0
[Shear.TimeOfDay] Issue in axis labelling
#429 opened by rach185 - 0
- 0
- 7
[load.BrightHub.get_reanalysis()] - add new function to pull reanalysis data from BrightHub
#431 opened by stephenholleran - 3
[LoadBrightHub] Add new function to pull the cleaning log from BrightHub
#405 opened by stephenholleran - 1
- 2
[load_csv] 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append'. Pandas 2.0+ removed "df.append()" function.
#407 opened by Ilirmc - 0
- 0
Representative Wind Rose comparison.
#430 opened by conorcoady - 2
[time_continuity_gaps] Update to doc string to give wider understanding of function.
#425 opened by ShaneBrightWind - 1
- 6
- 1
[plot_meas_station_on_gmap] Find an alternative to using gmaps library as it is compatible only up to Python < 3.10
#418 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
[dist] The dist function should be updated to accept as input data for adding a distribution fit line to the plot (e.g Weibull)
#417 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
[plot_monthly_means] ylabel of left Y axis not shown when input is given and `coverage` is not None
#413 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
- 0
- 1
Speed up wind shear calculation
#408 opened by ews-ffarella - 0
[dist_by_dir_sector] Error raised when direction_bin_array input is reporting a bin range including the zero angle
#411 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
Sector ratio boom orientation check
#410 opened by ShaneBrightWind - 0
[SpeedSort.synthesize] when giving speed and direction inputs to function nan values are dropped
#406 opened by BiancaMorandi - 3
IEA Task 43 - Digital WRA Data Standard
#391 opened by geekwg - 0
Update ReadMe
#352 opened by stephenholleran - 0
- 1
[plot_TI_by_speed] Add in legend the percentile value used for deriving the Representative TI
#399 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
- 4
[slice_data] if date_to is in date format then is taking beginning of day
#385 opened by BiancaMorandi - 2
[plot_shear_by_sector] Raise an error when at least on inf value is given as input
#397 opened by BiancaMorandi - 2
[Load.BrightHub] update URL
#355 opened by stephenholleran - 1
- 1
- 2
Installing brightwind version 2.X.X
#388 opened by geekwg - 0
[_get_dist_matrix_by_dir_sector_seasonal_adjusted] crashes when removing month with zero coverage
#382 opened by rach185 - 1
[SpeedSort] SpeedSort sector_predict function should use two curves for fitting data
#377 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
[plot_shear_time_of_day] Remove hardcoded colors and allow user to give these as inputs
#376 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
[test_transform] Add demo_wra_data_model file that can work with test_transform functions
#370 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
[dist] Update method for concatenating distributions for multiple inputs
#372 opened by BiancaMorandi - 12
Pandas v1.4.4 - v1.5.3 Warnings
#356 opened by BiancaMorandi - 5
[freq_table] Bug on deriving freq table when freq_as_percentage=True and seasonal_adjustment=True
#365 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
[Import Meas Station] update to extract mast_section_geometry from WRA Data Model
#362 opened by BiancaMorandi - 0
[Import Meas Station] update to extract interference structures from WRA Data Model
#363 opened by BiancaMorandi - 1
[_calc_mean_speed_of_freq_tab] Bug when calculating mean_speed from a frequency table
#359 opened by BiancaMorandi - 2