Student at University of California - San Diego studying Computer Science. Interested in full-stack development with a focus more on back-end and building APIs.
brilam8's Following
- alvinwang922
- BryanZWu
- casprice
- cif-teamWashington, D.C.
- danialk1
- daniel-d-truong@acmucsd
- djuanit0xUCSD
- duanwilliam
- eliasfangUC San Diego
- eminguyen@acmucsd, @google
- falafel72
- flashruler
- freebreadstix
- garrettluuQualcomm Institute
- gideontong@cloudflare
- hexalellogramGusto - @gusto
- ishaanharry
- jadenpaduax1
- jerlim01
- kendallnakai
- Kwstubbsbadbeef
- leestanley@NVIDIA
- Leo10250
- lilwonFolsom, CA
- maxcoh3n
- mbuyd
- niemasdUniversity of California, San Diego
- paulpan05Meta
- shravanhariharan2La Jolla, CA
- steets250UC San Diego
- StoneT2000
- StormFireFox1@sigmacomputing
- sumeet-bansalNew York
- trisaleung
- trulyronak@watershed-climate
- YiyueMaggieMaoLa Jolla, CA