
New version of my fake_car simulator targeting ROS 2

Primary LanguagePython


New version of my http:/berickson/fake_car simulator targeting ROS 2. This is currently in early development and works with Galactic.

My goal is to make a series of Gazebo models, worlds, and plugins to simulate my robots for test.

Getting Started

  • install ROS2 Galactic
  • install other required packages (list tbd)
  • clone this repo into your workspaces src folder
  • Then:
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch sim_car all.launch



  • Simulate a Traxxas Slash robot like blue-crash (https://github.com/berickson/car).
  • Ackermann steering
  • Top mounted lidar
  • Odometers on front wheels
  • Independent shocks on all wheels
  • Rear wheel drive

ROS 2 Integration

/car/cmd_ackermann Publish messages here to control the car
/joy Car listens to joystick and turns it into Ackermman commands
/car/odo_fl Odometer tick count for front left wheel
/car/odo_fr Odometer tick count for front right wheel
/car/pose Ground truth pose from Simulator
/scan Lidar scan output
/joint_states joint positions from Gazebo

Launch Files

all.launch.py Run latest test setup in Gazebo, currently an Ackermann drive car in a simple world with joystick control
spawn_car.launch.py Spawn an Ackermann drive car in Gazebo
spawn_world.launch.py Launch Gazeboy with an empty world

Todo List

I keep the todo for this on in a Google Doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDoU0HPi217dMZmRpME3X8Uc7ZKnQc10sKgLSsA3TdY/edit?usp=sharing)