
Parser bug

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear authors, compliments for the great work and useful tool!
Just found a bug (I suppose?) in some of you parser code, for example at line 399 in load_VCF_smallVar_DRAGEN definition, when running separate(id, into = c('chr', 'from', 'to', 'ref', 'alt'), sep = ':') %>% I get an error of the separate tidyr function, telling me that a function cannot be extracted Error in tidyr::separate(): ! Can't extract column with !!enquo(col). ✖ !!enquo(col) must be numeric or character, not a function.
I wonder this issue is because R considers 'id' as a function (plyr package); I solved the issue by changing the pullAD_DRAGEN function and the load_VCF_smallVar_DRAGEN function, substituting 'ID' to 'id'.
Now it seems to work great. Hope this helps!

Thanks, @Militeee is now on this.

Hi @albertop210 thanks for catching this, I am not a plyr user so I completely miss that id is also a function. Should be fixed now.

Feel free to reopen if you encounter similar bugs.
Thx again.