- 4
NCBI Virus and Protein Errors
#40 opened by lexikazen - 24
- 1
Is there a way to generate an automatic genome list in the multiphate.config file?
#43 opened by matheusgarciaufg - 7
ERROR: Cannot verify blast database
#42 opened by carmennns2 - 1
- 1
- 4
Running VOGs hmm/profile search
#37 opened by LeonardoMorenoG - 2
How to get the faa file for the superset gff?
#39 opened by ilyavs - 3
Support json format for input config file
#38 opened by ilyavs - 4
Can't Find GFF Output Files
#36 opened by joshuakirsch - 3
- 0
Empty phate_sequenceAnnotation_main.gff and .out
#34 opened by uuwuyi - 2
- 16
Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
#31 opened by smeeta - 9
I think the non-alphanumeric characters in your fasta file header are causing the failure. If the above fix does not work, then feel free to re-open this issue. Thank you for your interest in multiPhATE2.
#30 opened by smeeta - 3
my genome contains zero length ?
#29 opened by smeeta - 17
- 4
#27 opened by smeeta - 11
Can't get annotation out of custom genecall
#26 opened by Calvinblue - 4
- 1
Add a line to
#23 opened by rfcohen - 5
Python syntax bug?
#21 opened by iddoweiner - 7
Can't get genemark to run
#22 opened by rfcohen - 10
- 2
missing annotations in final gff for tRNAs
#19 opened by xvazquezc - 7
crash at processing gene calls
#17 opened by xvazquezc - 9
Functional Annotation Only - continued
#18 opened by rfcohen - 5
Functional Annotation Only
#16 opened by rfcohen - 4
conda environment notes
#15 opened by xvazquezc - 3
Brand new pull causes errors
#12 opened by rfcohen - 1
pVOGs database incomplete
#9 opened by linsalrob - 7
Parallelism problem
#5 opened by vihoikka - 3
phate threads should allow ALL
#7 opened by linsalrob - 1
cgpThreads does not check for all
#8 opened by linsalrob - 13
- 17