- 0
Zoom out crashes at some point
#97 opened by pisquilo - 0
tui-rs is not maintained, switch to alternative
#94 opened by carzum - 3
ROS2 plans ?
#77 opened by doisyg - 3
error: require rustc 1.64.0
#83 opened by LKSeng - 2
Set default mode
#89 opened by ViktorWalter - 0
Show TF frames
#82 opened by carzum - 1
[Question][help]-Display extended Kalman filter(EKF) RMSE(Root mean Square Error values) in termviz?
#81 opened by anilbommareddy - 0
render data relative to pose estimate
#80 opened by mgrrx - 0
Add guidelines for contributing to Readme
#78 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
Add format check to pipeline
#76 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
keyboard input sluggish for slow ssh connections
#71 opened by carzum - 0
Allow App mode to send communication to handler
#70 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
Improve handling of missing robot TF
#68 opened by MichaelGrupp - 0
add proper readme
#22 opened by carzum - 0
support pointcloud2 topics
#2 opened by carzum - 0
Allow user to generate a default config
#50 opened by carzum - 1
Implement a menu to switch modes
#35 opened by Eman7C7 - 3
support Marker and MarkerArray
#5 opened by carzum - 3
Add logging
#34 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
Help page doesn't respect the constraint
#38 opened by Eman7C7 - 1
- 2
Allow to send command val
#31 opened by MaxiMaerz - 1
- 1
Improve TF listening
#19 opened by Eman7C7 - 0
Missing new config arguments crashes
#18 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
footprint parameter is read every frame
#25 opened by carzum - 1
Add a help Menu
#10 opened by MaxiMaerz - 1
support custom colors for laser scans
#3 opened by carzum - 0
Extract App from
#9 opened by MaxiMaerz - 0
remove tui:: from
#4 opened by carzum - 0
- 0
Allow config via toml files
#1 opened by carzum