
Using an other reference genome

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I'm trying to use your tool to visualize Structural variants but I'm working with an other organism than human so I would like to change the reference genome to use.
I tried to do the following:

vcf_file <- './comparison_1kbp_typesafe_min3_30bp_strand-type1.vcf'
createVCFplot(vcf_file, FASTA_FILE="./Solea_senegalensis/ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_019176455.1/GCF_019176455.1_IFAPA_SoseM_1_genomic.fna", ASSEMBLY="SoSeM",  CHR_NAMES=chrom)

But I end up with the following error message:

Erreur dans .Call2("new_input_filexp", filepath, PACKAGE = "XVector") : 
  cannot open file './Solea_senegalensis/ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_019176455.1/GCF_019176455.1_IFAPA_SoseM_1_genomic.fna'

I'm sure the path to the file is correct and the file is for sure in fasta format because it was downloaded directly from NCBI.

Can you help me with this issue?

Thank you in advance,