A stats collection and distributed tracing framework
- 4
Goroutine started on init() function
#1074 opened by adrianlzt - 1
Datadog tracing + Opencensus tracing
#1184 opened by LiHaoTan - 2
Metrics sometimes sent every 1 minute even though reporting period manually set higher
#1153 opened by mattwelke - 1
zPages: show span hierarchy
#1083 opened by nhooyr - 3
Print all spans generated in a test
#1081 opened by nhooyr - 1
Including 0 bound when creating distribution leads to mismatch in bucket count between view and rows of actual data.
#1169 opened by newrelic-eheinlein - 3
DistributionData and view.Rows in general do not get reset between Reporting Intervals
#1181 opened by marwan-at-work - 0
- 0
RateLimiting sampler
#1178 opened by ribrdb - 0
How do I use tail-based sampling Settings?
#1173 opened by FYfirst - 0
Allow customization of health endpoints in ochttp server
#1171 opened by tjcelaya - 10
thirft unreachable
#1158 opened by neumachen - 2
Remove dep files
#1048 opened by rakyll - 0
- 1
Bug: minimum and maximum are swapped
#1154 opened by EvelineV - 1
wrong metric for ServerResponseCountByStatusCode view
#1163 opened by rjeczalik - 0
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How to get metrics from outgoing requests per route whe using ochttp.Transpor?
#1140 opened by lbeier - 1
[question] online coverage report
#1151 opened by kamilsk - 0
Adding separate spans for Serialization/Deserialization with ochttp/ocgrpc plugin
#1147 opened by dharmjit - 1
Add tag.MustNewKey
#1072 opened by fabxc - 0
GetStartOptions not ignoring "/" path
#1079 opened by Talento90 - 10
How to export "metrics"/gauges?
#1080 opened by anacrolix - 3
- 1
ochttp Go integration payload information
#1093 opened by alexamies - 5
AlwaysSample and NeverSample are confusingly named.
#1099 opened by bmhatfield - 2
Move Zipkin and Jaeger exporter to another repo.
#1100 opened by songy23 - 2
- 1
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Refactor Exemplar APIs.
#1058 opened by songy23 - 0
Add gauge example
#1035 opened by rghetia - 0
LabelKey should have key and description.
#1063 opened by rghetia - 1
Add support for constant labels
#1112 opened by rghetia - 1
- 5
add support for metrics in prometheus exporter
#1040 opened by rghetia - 1
Metrics: Add Cumulative APIs
#1084 opened by mayurkale22 - 1
unrecognized import path "go.opencensus.io"
#1106 opened by didi-rare - 5
- 1
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Recent merge broke downstream projects
#1073 opened by orlangure - 5
For long-lived grpc streaming messages, can we add parameters for ocgrpc to control the number of MessageEvents in a single span?
#1050 opened by chuerxiao - 2
go.mod: update deps
#1064 opened by broady - 2
Unclear documentation for link types
#1043 opened by samuelhorwitz - 1
return error instead of log.Panic for initGauge function.
#1054 opened by rghetia - 1
hellow world http example returns 404 not found for http://localhost:8081/debug/
#1059 opened by etsangsplk - 1
Linked span in ochttp (server) should be of parent type
#1034 opened by rghetia - 1
ochttp creates CHILD instead of PARENT link when span ctx is from remote parent.
#1051 opened by rghetia - 0
Add GlobalGetProducerManager
#1045 opened by rghetia - 1
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Construct a Span with manually populated SpanData
#1028 opened by tokaplan