
Type safe ray tracing.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This repository was first crafted with the steps from Ray Tracing In One Weekend and the follow-on series. It also includes important type aspects from the blogpost about Type-Safe Ray Tracing. I have updated it to follow "modern C++ standards" (a continuous effort), and also added several more features listed below. Example scenes and images are also provided.


  • Unit testing.
  • Finish documentation.
  • Look into magic number cases and either change or document appropriately.


  • Demonstration using PPM image file. Provides different "scenes" to play around with as well.
  • Single value_type to allow client to switch between double, float, etc.
  • Abstract material class to allow for different materials. Current materials include lambertian, metallic, and dielectric (clear).
  • Abstract texture class to allow for different textures. Current textures supported are single-color and checkered pattern.
  • Abstract hittable class to allow for different shapes. Currently supports triangles, square pyramids, spheres, rectangles, and blocks.
  • Type safe vectors.
  • Positionable camera with defocus blur.


  • The Cornell Box. [Reference] Example 1
  • Six spheres in a triangular formation. Example 2
  • Perlin noise. Example 3
  • Checkered texture. Example 4