Chaldea - Yet Another Material Planner and Battle Simulator for Fate/Grand Order aka FGO
- 2
[Bug] Some bugs are occurring in the "Active Skills Screenshot" reading.
#133 opened by minna-no-jihye - 1
[Bug] Error: MissingPluginException
#131 opened by Cesese - 23
[Bug] F-Droid can't build
#117 opened by licaon-kter - 1
[Bug] Error: MissingPluginException
#130 opened by EricChen1 - 2
[FEATURE] 希望win版能支持系统代理
#127 opened by kotoritan - 2
Add icon.png to metadata en-US images
#129 opened by licaon-kter - 4
[FEATURE] 希望 Laplace 能够支持文字/数据版的组队/战斗导出
#128 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 2
[Bug] Web interface is broken on Firefox
#125 opened by nvd916 - 1
[Bug] 托勒密 S3 技能开启后被动 5 不生效
#126 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 6
- 2
[Bug] 水妖高(巴格斯特)三技能释放报错
#124 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 1
[Bug] Error in "FGO APK"
#123 opened by XanoPhobious - 8
[Bug] My Room didn't show animated background
#119 opened by XanoPhobious - 2
[FEATURE] Selectable text in the webapp
#120 opened by enshael - 2
- 13
- 3
[FEATURE] JP account import using Shizuku
#116 opened by spiral6 - 0
[FEATURE] 在【共享队伍】界面的中添加【宝具卡数】的筛选
#114 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 2
[Bug] 【共享队伍】中选托勒密时无法切换再临阶段
#115 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 4
[Bug] F-Droid can't build
#113 opened by licaon-kter - 2
[Bug]: 马琴技能三的触发条件疑似有问题
#112 opened by liuhaotian9420 - 0
[Bug]: 无法强化宝具数目(以前好像可以)
#108 opened by dajusha - 1
[Bug]: 关闭app时出现对话框,点击上传并关闭,上传完成之后并不会自动关闭。
#107 opened by dajusha - 1
- 4
[FEATURE] Suggestion: add functions similar to those on the FGO Timers website
#102 opened by MakuSensei - 2
#104 opened by kevin930321 - 2
#103 opened by wjz2001 - 1
[FEATURE] 客户端导入数据,礼物箱展示里添加御主任务中的未领取奖励
#99 opened by memphise - 2
[Bug] App won't start in bluestack
#93 opened by Ansem93 - 1
- 1
[Bug]: 重复剧情关卡
#92 opened by dajusha - 1
need informations
#91 opened by mazab99 - 10
[FEATURE] 目前应用中似乎没有素材加成礼装功能
#88 opened by aola0 - 1
[Bug]: Space Ishtar's 2nd Skill becomes Single Target after a few offensive buffs
#87 opened by Solitare9 - 20
[Bug]: missing
#85 opened by Hoithmach - 1
[Bug]: Laplace - Td Level issues
#83 opened by SharpnelXu - 4
[FEATURE] Add software to Homebrew for Mac
#82 opened by tl3-01 - 1
[Bug]: 一个关于剧情导航的逻辑问题
#81 opened by dajusha - 6
- 3
[Bug]: 不确定是不是bug,因为有个功能找不到
#79 opened by dajusha - 3
[Bug]: 素材规划计算数目不符,疑为小数取整问题
#78 opened by dajusha - 1
[Bug]: 从网页版访问,剧情内容全为空白
#77 opened by dajusha - 2
- 7
- 10
#74 opened by dajusha - 1
[Bug]: LateInitializationError for '_defaultBox' when accessing
#73 opened by Justus188 - 3
#71 opened by dajusha - 2
Anti-Virus detection
#72 opened by NoAvalon - 8
[Bug]: 特定项目时间错误
#70 opened by dajusha - 3
[Bug]: 抓包之后的素材更新
#69 opened by xinnan