- 1
- 0
- 1
Command download broken
#550 opened by holtgrewe - 0
- 1
UTF-8 output for synonymous mutations in VCF file
#560 opened by skurscheid - 2
- 0
Dragen CNV output cannot be parsed
#558 opened by holtgrewe - 3
Insertions are not annotated for splicing
#554 opened by dmb107 - 11
3' Shifting
#551 opened by lshimp - 0
Meaning of --no-3-prime-shifting is inverted
#552 opened by holtgrewe - 0
Enhancements to hgvs to vcf conversion resiliency
#549 opened by h-joshi - 0
Code optimization suggestions
#548 opened by noobyu6 - 0
Support MANE transcripts
#546 opened by holtgrewe - 2
- 1
Problem of HGVSc conversion
#532 opened by smw1414 - 1
- 0
Building hg38/ensembl version 105 results in NPE
#540 opened by znikasz - 2
broken links to datasets download
#533 opened by myeelaw - 1
mitochondrial genetic code
#501 opened by smw1414 - 2
Use single branch instead of develop/master split.
#521 opened by holtgrewe - 0
- 7
RefSeq datasets for mm11
#531 opened by myeelaw - 5
- 1
Report the effect for every genes
#530 opened by smw1414 - 1
HGVS-VCF bug ( de.charite.compbio.jannovar.hgvs.bridge.CannotTranslateHGVSVariant: No transcript )
#529 opened by mansi800 - 5
Remove support for UCSC transcripts
#523 opened by holtgrewe - 1
unable to download Mouse transcript databases
#492 opened by myeelaw - 7
Error while trying to download human hg-19 reference using jannovar v 0.34 installed via bioconda
#495 opened by guglusharma - 1
Refurbish vardbs/frequency annotation
#511 opened by holtgrewe - 16
Building ReferenceDictionary fails for hg19/*
#486 opened by stolpeo - 0
- 0
Error with chr_accessions_GRCh38.p12
#497 opened by pnrobinson - 5
NCBI urls are out-of-date
#500 opened by phwhite-coh - 8
Deposit static files into Zenodo
#513 opened by holtgrewe - 2
- 5
#505 opened by pnrobinson - 1
- 4
Translation of HGVS into VCF stalls when writing VCF file with some mutations
#483 opened by mmcneill123 - 0
Implement HGVS parsing for protein sequences
#516 opened by holtgrewe - 1
Cannot parse HGVS repeats
#490 opened by markwoon - 2
Problem parsing HGVS `delins`
#491 opened by markwoon - 3
Cannot parse HGVS `NP_000095.2:p.Gly168_His169=`
#493 opened by markwoon - 0
Remove INI support for hg18
#504 opened by pnrobinson - 1
HGVS protein annotation error for deletions (may impact other mutation types e.g. ins)
#481 opened by wmgmm - 0
- 2
--show-all option not properly worked
#503 opened by smw1414 - 4
Step by step procedure
#496 opened by KarthickRajaNarayanan - 1
Download/processing of hg19/* fails
#487 opened by stolpeo - 1
-d hg38/refseq not found
#484 opened by pnrobinson - 3