A PyTorch Implementation of Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNN)
- aetherksUCLA
- alexandonianMIT CSAIL
- andrewliao11University of Toronto
- AnjieChengUniversity of California San Diego
- boxreb14Pune, India
- brade31919Magic Leap
- ccurroEstee Lauder, The Cooper Union
- ChenChengKuanBoston, Massachusetts
- dasguptarMicrosoft AI and Research
- eborboihucNTHU VSLab
- fuenwangNational Tsing Hua University
- gina9726
- gmayday1997South China University of Technology
- haroldo-ok
- hogankAustin TX
- hsientzucheng
- huchanwei123Texas A&M University
- karandwivedi42New Delhi, India
- KuoHaoZengAllen Institute for AI
- luzaiSFU
- lxj0276china
- mayurbhangale@deliveryhero
- michalwolsNew York
- negrinhoAmazon
- potterhsu
- ProKilStanford
- rAm1nToronto, Canada.
- shanjgitTaiwan
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- sonic1sonic
- soumithMeta
- spk921Korea University
- sunnychiuu
- sunset1995NVIDIA
- TingAnChienNational Tsing Hua University
- zswang666