code and data repository for "Game Level Layout from Design Specification"
- amatoAmato
- anissenAarhus, Denmark
- anwynGermany
- arsdraconisars draconis
- billyquithLolno
- brotherhuangUMass
- chongyangmaByteDance
- darorck
- den-mentieiKiyv, Ukraine
- desplesda@thesecretlab and @yarnspinnertool
- didier-vParis, France
- diditoSanta Barbara, CA
- frankprogrammerF84 Games
- gegoggigog
- glampert
- horzelskiPL
- jacmoeHolbæk, Denmark
- jamastDeck13 Interactive
- jspohrBlack Pants Studio GmbH
- K4stor
- kai-qu
- lamarquaMontréal, Québec
- LBdNfrance
- LordAlbiorGood Dog Games
- lqd
- olej3dInfinity Ward
- rex8312
- rjtobinUCSD
- ruby0x1@luxeengine @wren-lang
- salotz@examol-corp
- sorab2142Flipspaces Technologies
- ssuurrffaaccee
- starryanimation
- sweenzorSan Francisco
- thynnmasNorway
- tri-man