
Low level Java GLES wrapper specifically for the Raspberry PI

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This is a one off conversion I did for the PI as I don't have a PI anymore I don't maintain it for more upto date code use https://github.com/chriscamacho/Jgles2 which should be easily modified to work on the PI


How is Jgles2 organised ?

There are just three classes

Jgles2.EGL access to libEGL

Jgles2.GLES2 access to libGLES v2.0

Jgles2.util some platform specific stuff, general utilities etc.

There used to be a C math library wrapped as well, but there was little to be gained from this and there are various Math routines - matrix, quaternion as java versions in the example (test folder)

Is it just like using GLES ?

Its close but there are a few slight differences for convenience

So is it ready to rock and roll ?

Basically yes - there are a small handful of routines unwrapped that I don't use (contributions welcome) There is a full application demonstrating gimbaless rotation, the library has also been tested using techniques like render to texture.

I'd like to chat to talk about how I might help?

my email account is codifies with a co uk domain of bedroomcoders, what will we do when spam bots can work that one out...