
Samples and notes for my Aug 2014 'Your First Vim Plugin' talk

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Your First Vim Plugin

These are the notes and samples from my August 2014 Vim talk, 'Your First Vim Plugin'. Their official home is this repo. You can also view a recording of the talk.


  1. Fix spelling error
  2. Move Item To List Top
  3. Markdown underline
  4. Extract Variable

The Simple Path to Your First Plugin

  1. Know how to edit, save, and source your vimrc
  2. Capture normal mode actions, repeat with :normal
  3. Wrap :normal call in a named function 1a. Poke around in the REPL / command line 1b. Add ehcom debug statements, use :messages to review 1c. Temporarily export to global var
  4. Wrap it up
  • script local your function
  • create a command
  • package it up!

What Can You do with Vim Plugins?

Custom Text Objects

Not mine, but still great!


  • titlecase - Titlecase based on a motion
  • sort-motion - Sort lines or arguments, based on a vim motion

System Integration

  • tmux nav - Navigate seamlessly between vim and tmux splits
  • tmux runner - Send commands from Vim to adjacent tmux panes

Raw Efficiency

  • spec-runner - Efficient spec running from withing vim
  • rfactory - Rails.vim inspired navigation commands for FactoryGirl
  • conflicted - Powerful git merge/rebase conflict resolution
  • quicklink - Insert links

Pro Tips