
Svart is an embedded (in Dart) domain-specific language for describing binary circuits, generating a strict subset of SystemVerilog and easily interacting with external tools.

Primary LanguageDartMIT No AttributionMIT-0



The project is at an early stage of development. Here you will not find any high-quality documentation, or full testing, or an excess of functionality. However, it may be sufficient for some use cases.

SystemVerilog + Dart = Svart

Svart is an embedded (in Dart) domain-specific language for describing binary circuits, generating a strict subset of SystemVerilog and easily interacting with external tools.


See examples


Please note that at the moment the project does not accept all types of contributions. Code merge requests are not accepted as the architecture is not well established and the code may be subject to large changes. Any suggestions or positive/negative comments in any form (issues/discussions) are accepted.

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