- 0
Topic model fails with single job
#46 opened by samzarr - 0
NITE model prediction Error
#45 opened by xgaoo - 4
LinAlgError: Singular matrix for some of the data
#42 opened by Yansr3 - 1
- 1
OneHotEncoder: unexpected keyword argument
#44 opened by xgaoo - 5
The least populated class in y has only 1 member, which is too few. The minimum number of groups for any class cannot be less than 2.
#36 opened by christophechu - 2
API on website not showing up
#43 opened by justinejacobi - 4
Issue running
#39 opened by jmmuncie - 1
- 1
BayesianTuner error
#40 opened by WENHUAN22 - 3
- 3
- 4
ValueError: Tried to step 7921 times. The specified number of total steps is 7920
#37 opened by ChloeHJ - 1
- 4
gradient tuner overflow
#31 opened by Yansr3 - 2
BayesianTuner Assertion Error
#35 opened by dfdeascanis - 12
Question about installation
#28 opened by Yansr3 - 5
Question about BayesianTuner
#30 opened by MoLuLuMo - 4
Question for ATAC topic model
#29 opened by MoLuLuMo - 5
Input data must be raw transcript counts, represented as integers. Provided data contains non-integer values.
#24 opened by samhkim - 0
#27 opened by bjstewart1 - 7
questions for batch effect
#23 opened by rdf1993 - 1
IndexError in
#26 opened by jmmuncie - 2
Is MIRA being actively developed / maintained
#25 opened by akundaje - 2
- 6
- 2
suggested upsteam processing before mira
#20 opened by KailiBio - 1
Question on transfer learning
#15 opened by tinakeshav - 2
"" results in bin/sh not found when in environment
#17 opened by Chadmiumoxid - 1
MIRA code ocean capsule inaccessible
#18 opened by nandankita - 5
Question for multiple datasets
#19 opened by jjacobi3 - 1
- 1
model.get_enriched_TFs returns no TFs for any topics despite motif hits in scanning
#16 opened by alonmillet - 3
Joint representation UMAP not appearing as in walkthrough (with supplied data)
#13 opened by Connorr0 - 5
- 1
- 1
AssertionError: Graphs with multiple connected components may not be used. Subset cells to include only one connected component.
#9 opened by shaistamadad - 2
- 2
- 4
Errors when loading trained models
#6 opened by KongMingxi - 8
Exception: Error while scanning for motifs: /bin/sh: 1: not found
#4 opened by shaistamadad - 2 human genome equivalent for parameter : genome_file
#5 opened by shaistamadad - 4
Zero motif hits when using human FA
#3 opened by Chengwei94 - 3
rna_topic_pathways(7, 500, 5, 1, True) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'location'
#2 opened by shijianasdf - 6
Hyperparameter tuning is too slow
#1 opened by longfeili5170