- 5
Add channel for rubocop 1.60
#364 opened by hampld - 2
Add rubocop-rspec_rails support
#371 opened by hashtegner - 2
Adding `rubocop-capybara` as a required extension in configuration breaks build
#346 opened by vietqhoang - 1
Add channel for rubocop 1.63.5
#370 opened by tatethurston - 1
Add channel for rubocop 1.57.0
#362 opened by hampld - 0
Channel for rubocop 1.56.4
#361 opened by hampld - 5
Add channel for Rubocop 1.56.1
#360 opened by hampld - 0
- 0
Add channel for Rubocop 1.47
#347 opened by hampld - 0
Add channel for Rubocop 1.45.1
#345 opened by hampld - 0
Add channel for Rubocop 1.43
#341 opened by hampld - 2
Add channel for rubocop 1.34.1
#330 opened by hampld - 0
Add channel for Rubocop 1.43
#342 opened by hampld - 1
- 8
Add support for standardrb
#351 opened by cquinones100 - 0
- 2
Code quality in Gitlab ci fails with error: (CC::CLI::Analyze::EngineFailure) engine rubocop failed
#331 opened by ep4sh - 2
Add channel for rubocop 1.30.0
#315 opened by hampld - 0
support database_validations plugin
#324 opened by danielnc - 4
Add channel for rubocop 1.31.0
#323 opened by vietqhoang - 1
Add channel for Rubocop 1.50
#311 opened by dgholz - 5
Add channel for Rubocop 1.24.1
#308 opened by dgholz - 5
codeclimate-rubocop not catching issues
#266 opened by imajes - 5
- 5
Support rubocop 1.23.0 with an associated channel
#305 opened by BrianHawley - 24
Support channel-1-18-3 / rubocop 1.18.3
#297 opened by mileslane - 4
Support rubocop 1.22.3 with an associated channel
#303 opened by BrianHawley - 4
Support rubocop 1.22.2 with an associated channel
#301 opened by BrianHawley - 2
Support Rubocop 1.19.0
#298 opened by teoljungberg - 5
Support rubocop-graphql
#275 opened by HunterMeyer - 14
Support RuboCop 1.0
#262 opened by teoljungberg - 1
Support rubocop-rspec > 2.x
#272 opened by ThomasKoppensteiner - 5
Update rubocop-rspec
#293 opened by BrianHawley - 5
Update rubocop-rails
#291 opened by BrianHawley - 2
- 2
Support rubocop-graphql plugin
#268 opened by rubendinho - 3
Why are channels necessary?
#276 opened by monfresh - 2
Rubocop-rails error
#277 opened by guizaols - 2
Support Rubocop 1.8.1
#271 opened by sdrioux - 1
Rubocop 1.4.1
#265 opened by sdrioux - 4
Support rubocop-sorbet alongside rubocop-airbnb
#264 opened by bmulholland - 0
support rubocop-sorbet plugin
#232 opened by davehenton - 0
support anycable-rails plugin
#239 opened by davehenton - 1
support rubocop-sequel plugin
#231 opened by davehenton - 2
Rubocop 0.87 channel is not working
#244 opened by severin - 2
Bump RuboCop version?
#254 opened by utkarsh2102 - 1
Fix rubocop upgrade to 0.87.0 specs
#243 opened by filipesperandio - 2
- 1
channel/rubocop-0-81 uses rubocop 0.80.1
#230 opened by fonji - 5