User Gallery Nomination: MGnify
mberacochea opened this issue · 0 comments
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Life Sciences
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Microbiome research involves the study of all genomes present within a specific environment. The approach can provide unique insights into the complex processes performed by environmental micro-organisms and their relationship to their surroundings, to each other, and, in some cases, to their host. MGnify offers an automated pipeline for the analysis and archiving of microbiome data to help determine the taxonomic diversity and functional & metabolic potential of environmental samples. Users can submit their own data for analysis or freely browse all of the analysed public datasets held within the repository. In addition, users can request analysis of any appropriate dataset within the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). User-submitted or ENA-derived datasets can also be assembled on request, prior to analysis. In an effort to enable transparency of the analysis pipelines, particularly in terms of the tools (and their versions), parameters and reference databases that we employ, we have implemented our pipelines using the CWL standards.
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