40-VirtualRacing: The Parking Lot Nerds Development Repository

1 background

It all started at a parking lot...

A few guys meet there, discussed after a long meetup evening, came up with a crazy idea and made it happening. We met at Maker Faire Bay Area 2019 with more guys from Oakland, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Ottawa, Shenzehn, Stuttgart and many more countries. Now we're calling us the Parking Lot Nerds and are heading towards our new venture: Virtual Autonomous Racing.

Thanks a lot to Ed & Tawn (Oakland), Nic & Paul (Ottawa), Dave (Ann Arbor), Linda & Wallarug (Shenzhen), Benjamin (Stuttgart) and especially Alex (Detroit) for literally driving the extra miles down to Stuttgart and making our journey to Silicon Valley / Maker Faire Bay Area 2019 a once in a life time experience.

drawing drawing drawing

2 preparation

models trained by others

7 twitch.tv channels

8 Quick Start

8.1 Run your model

(donkey) rainer@neuron:~/mysim2$ python manage.py drive --model=models/lane_keeper.h5

8.2 In your browser goto


And set mode to local pilot

9 Races

drawing drawing drawing

drawing drawing drawing
