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This repository hosts the scripts utilized for generating and analyzing the shared polymorphism dataset of Daphnia species.
Connor S. Murray
Contains the main figures along with data and scripts used for plotting.
Contains supplemental figures, tables, data, and associated scripts.
This section encompasses the pipeline for generating Variant Call Format (VCF) files:
VCF Creation:
- Downloading short-read Illumina fastqs.
- Mapping to European Daphnia pulex genome.
- BAM generation and merging.
- HaplotypeCaller, GATK processing, merging, and SNP calling.
- VCF and genomic data structure (GDS) generation.
VCF Filtration:
- Filter to benchmark universal single-copy ortholog (BUSCO) genes.
- Multi-locus genotype (MLG) classification.
- Filtering SNPs based on recommendations for species lacking reference SNP panels.
Quality Control:
- Missingness, quality scores, coverage, and MultiQC on BAMs.
Read Based Phasing
- WhatsHap phasing of samples and phased VCF creation.
Lift Over
- LiftOver of European and North American Daphnia pulex genomes.
- Repeat masking, single-copy orthologous genes, and genotype concordance.