Proof of concept of a mixed reality application for the Microsoft HoloLens 2 integrating object recognition using cloud computing and real-time on-device markerless object tracking. The augmented objects provide interaction using hand input, eye-gaze, and voice commands to verify the tracking result visually.
- 1194209944
- Abdul-MukitMujin
- alexanderzornBonn
- Bornblack
- brookman@Zuehlke
- calebcram
- CatInATree
- ccarvalheiroBrowzwear
- ChaejungMaengKAIST, Research Assistant, M.S. Candidate, UVR Lab (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- ChasingD
- chenzhutian
- chrisse27@comerge
- DenisYakovliev
- dogadoganSwitzerland
- dudziakl@immersiveform
- hanjianwei92
- HannahHaensenGermany
- hujianhua
- JaVo93
- Joon-Jung
- keisksTohoku University
- laumiulun
- Lexie971102
- lmaxsmith@Argylebuild
- lucafluriFHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland
- marcfrances
- mpavlopoulouAthens, Greece
- mrsbCNNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- ntreeseKlagenfurt
- pacifinapacific
- qq849012418Peking University
- raulsf6Granada
- shangjunyang
- tichiseTokyo
- tomgasper
- zhtianyi