Geospatial, compressed, range-readable, LAZ-compatible point cloud format.
- 12
How to validate a COPC file?
#63 opened by omshinde - 1
Sum error in implementation notes
#58 opened by Jean-Romain - 1
Clarify that a COPC file is read only
#56 opened by Jean-Romain - 3
Mime/Content Type?
#53 opened by rcoup - 1
One week freeze to declare 1.0.0 release
#52 opened by hobu - 13
Lock Version 1.0.0
#41 opened by timodwhit - 11
Remove 'extents' VLR as a required COPC entity
#47 opened by hobu - 2
Clarify VLR/EVLR representation
#49 opened by plimkilde - 1
Chunk Table position
#45 opened by tmontaigu - 1
Update Structural Changes to Draft Specification
#44 opened by CCInc - 2
- 22
Dimension statistics
#19 opened by connormanning - 5
Redundant fields in COPC header
#21 opened by connormanning - 16
#26 opened by connormanning - 0
Add a note about zero-point hierarchy nodes
#34 opened by hobu - 7
Dimension type VLR?
#20 opened by hobu - 20
Remaining TODOs
#6 opened by timodwhit - 0
#7 opened by hobu - 7
questions on spec
#9 opened by rouault - 2
Standardize fIle name structure
#17 opened by timodwhit - 4
Require VLR order
#11 opened by abellgithub - 0
Add WKT offset to COPC VLR
#12 opened by abellgithub - 0
- 4
Example Dataset
#5 opened by timodwhit