CoreUI React.js UI Components. CoreUI for React.js replaces and extends the Bootstrap javascript. Components have been built from scratch as true React.js hook components, without jQuery and unneeded dependencies.
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Request to Add Tailwind CSS Icon to Core UI
#418 opened by joey-ma - 5
CMultiSelect not re-rendering on provided options change. Even empty array is provided previous placeholder is still displayed.
#402 opened by bizon-boxcribe - 0
CDatePicker inside CInputGroup should render correctly like other form elements
#417 opened by niksajanjic - 1
Cannot specify as props for `CNavLink` in `CNavItem`
#409 opened by mst-mkt - 0
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Multiple React CTooltips make page height grow temporarily and produce flickering [CoreUI React Pro]
#400 opened by Sonic1305 - 1
CButton SSR error (CoreUI PRO for Next)
#408 opened by kemalatila - 0
CNavGroup: First time opening dropdown pops items into existence instead of playing transition animation
#410 opened by jasperfirecai2 - 1
CFade in coreui v4
#403 opened by czarekowyxjs - 1
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Performance Issues with CDatePicker Component when using timepicker Prop
#401 opened by hamzatahir-notell - 1
any resolve this problem ?
#395 opened by Maayan2069 - 1
Core ui react sidebar disappearing after clicking inside window and resizing
#397 opened by Maayan2069 - 1
The sidebar in Core UI React disappears after clicking inside the window and resizing.
#398 opened by Maayan2069 - 3
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Nav Links Not Working
#389 opened by jpwalters - 0
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any resolve this problem ?
#396 opened by Maayan2069 - 3
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"process is not defined"
#385 opened by zaweb - 1
CDropdownToggle disabled state behavior
#384 opened by Boubaker93 - 12
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Version mismatch @coreui/coreui:latest -> 4.3.2 / @coreui/react:latest -> 4.11.0
#382 opened by tonybentley - 1
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Fix sidebar issues hapenning when changing from sidebar-narrow-unfoldable desktop to mobile
#379 opened by maarlo - 1
CModal closes if a mouseup event occurs outside the modal after clicking inside
#380 opened by hhadland - 1
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Fields `_id` & `_selected` are not present after selecting rows in CSmartTable component
#374 opened by Alan-Graton - 1
Context menu(right click menu)
#373 opened by kimkong88 - 3
Enable all stacked toasts to be closed
#369 opened by kimkong88 - 2
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findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode
#378 opened by Alan-Gomes - 7
CModal not opening in Beta
#366 opened by karls4 - 1
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CFormCheck test failing
#372 opened by airowe - 1
CSS interfrence
#364 opened by kotreshvg - 1
SmartTable ScopedColumns All
#360 opened by jesseagleboy - 3
StrictMode breaks dropdown positioning
#358 opened by Lartza - 1
CFormSelect - empty option value attribute removed
#363 opened by sKopheK - 1
How evit close CSidebar in mobile device?
#356 opened by christiantigre - 0
CTable with 0 number
#357 opened by samouraii - 2
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#352 opened by Samet-arslan - 1