What could be better than using OctoPrint or WLED? A plugin to use both!
- 0
[Request]: Macro/Dashboard Button for 'Service Mode'
#303 opened by V4nish - 0
[Feature Request]: selectable progress effect more suitable for led matrix panels
#302 opened by morris2009 - 0
[Request]: Reverse progress bar
#301 opened by morris2009 - 3
[Bug]: Progress effects are delayed
#299 opened by jjvelar - 0
[Request]: Support for single-channel PWM lights
#300 opened by bratoff - 0
Remove webpack build, bundle nanoid
#224 opened by cp2004 - 1
- 1
[Request]: Accept strings for segment selection
#283 opened by fimmezwansch - 1
[Request]: Multiple Segments with full length
#275 opened by Travisc1337 - 1
[Request]: Scrolling Text for 2d matrix
#278 opened by jneilliii - 1
- 4
[Bug]: Even after a full re-install some settings remain changing the color at the end of the print
#263 opened by dirkvranckaert - 2
does this work with WLED 0.13?
#269 opened by BootsSiR - 2
[Request]: Torch Function
#244 opened by JonSnow88 - 1
- 0
- 1
[Feature Request] Test Button
#182 opened by trv-in-3d - 1
- 0
Issue forms
#174 opened by cp2004 - 1
Building/Development - switch to esbuild?
#173 opened by cp2004 - 0
Upgrade `wled` library, use websockets for state
#176 opened by cp2004 - 7
[Feature Request] Multiple WLED instances and the ability to choose which effects on which instance (or multiple instances for the same effect.
#23 opened by synssins - 4
- 2
[Feature Request] Make the navbar switch stateful
#149 opened by cbrherms - 2
[Feature Request] Control without WiFi
#126 opened by notrub - 3
Where is zero?
#98 opened by Piti31 - 5
have wled installed on D1
#109 opened by critterskins - 2
[Feature Request] Main brightness setting
#79 opened by ipa64 - 1
Possible conflict with ADXL345
#84 opened by lanman1 - 0
Timer to Turn LEDs OFF
#76 opened by cyborgcnc - 4
- 0
[Request] Automatic discovery of WLED devices
#18 opened by cp2004 - 9
- 2
[Request] Heating & Cooling progress effects
#19 opened by cp2004 - 4
- 8
Switching off LED
#28 opened by seppelicous - 2
- 2
- 1
TODO List for release
#2 opened by cp2004 - 4
WLED vs OctoPrint WS281x LED Status
#21 opened by CobaltEcho - 14