
A curated list of awesome Slack related things

awesome-slack Awesome

A curated list of awesome Slack related things

Table of Contents

Unofficial clients


Third-party services






  • Cake.Slack - Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Slack messaging features
  • CCNetSlackPublisher - Slack integration with CruiseControl.NET
  • Log4Slack - simple, asynchronous Slack log4net appender
  • margiebot - A .NET library designed to make building bots for Slack fast, easy, and fun
  • mmbot - a C# port of hubot, with Slack support
  • Slack-Contour - Umbraco Contour workflow item that allows you to post the form data to a Slack channel
  • Slack.Webhooks - Even simpler integration with Slack's Incoming / Outgoing webhooks
  • SlackAPI - Full Slack API library, including WebSockets
  • SlackCommander - Useful (?) slash commands and miscellaneous integrations for Slack
  • SqlServerSlackAPI - A SQL Server CLR assembly for direct communication with Slack via TSQL
  • svn-slack-notifier - A simple app to send VisualSVN Server commit notifications to Slack
  • TfsNotificationRelay - A plugin for TFS 2013 that sends notifications to Slack
  • TSJ.Gemini.Slack - Posts issue changes to a channel in Slack
  • WooCode.Slack - Library for slacking with Slack.com in .Net
  • workfront-to-slack - Checks for updates from a workfront team and pushes them to a Slack channel


  • clj-slack - Use Slack REST API from Clojure
  • clj-slack-client - A Clojure client for the Slack RTM and Web APIs
  • lunch-bot - A Slack bot that manages group lunch activities
  • markov-chainz - A Markov chain bot written in Clojure
  • slack-hooks - Papertrail's collection of webhook receivers for Slack
  • slack.clj - Example of sending a message to Slack from Clojure
  • slacks - Deliver quotes to a Slack channel




  • slacker - Erlang Slack REST API wrapper


  • amiando-slack - Push Amiando ticket sales to Slack
  • anonymous-slack - A service you can run on Heroku to send anonymous messages to colleagues
  • circle2slack - Proxy CircleCI webhooks to Slack
  • enotify-slack - A tool to get event information and send it to Slack
  • gdrive2slack - Frictionless integration between Google Drive and Slack
  • go-bot - IRC bot written in go
  • hal - A chat bot in Go
  • hipchat-notifications-to-slack - forward notifications from HipChat to Slack
  • marvin - Slack bot written in Go
  • phoenix - Pluggable bot for Slack
  • rmslack - Purge a slack channel of all messages
  • slack - Slack API in Go
  • slack_auth_proxy - A reverse proxy providing authentication via a slack.com team
  • slack-cli - A command tool to communicate with Slack
  • slack-fingerbumpbot - A bot for Slack that never leaves a finger bump hanging
  • slack-markov - A markov chain bot for your Slack channel
  • slack-oldbot - A bot for Slack that politely reports when a link has been used before in the channel
  • slack-upvote - Slack voting integration
  • slackbot - A silly little slackhq robot
  • slackbot (II) - Framework for building slash commands for Slack
  • slackcat - Post messages to Slack from the command line
  • slacker-news - Slack integration that reports current news items
  • slackline - Create a Slack channel shared by two organizations
  • slackline-gae - Google App Engine app to share channels between Slack accounts
  • SlackMS - SMS your team channel in Slack
  • slackrus - Slack hook for Logrus
  • slacktogo - Slack Integration Server for distributing channels between different Slack teams
  • webhook - Easily run commands in response to HTTP webhook requests from Slack
  • worktile-events-to-slack - Forward Worktile events to Slack


  • slack-ozfindbiz - Outgoing WebHook Integration to search for Australian businesses and POIs


  • hi5bot - Get and give high-fives on Slack
  • jpgtobot - jpg.to bot for Slack
  • slack - A Haskell client for the Slack web API




  • breezBot - Air quality index bot for Slack using the breezometer API
  • Lua Slack - A Lua Slack API wrapper
  • lubot - Lua Chatbot running inside OpenResty
  • uberSlackBot - Get Uber price estimates directly in Slack


  • SlackMatlab - Basic integration for Slack notifications for Matlab


  • slacko - A neat interface for Slack


  • slack-integrations - Scripts to integrate Slack with subversion and nagios
  • slappyhour - A CGI script to bridge a channel between multiple Slack instances



  • asterisk-slack - Publishes Asterisk call information to Slack
  • butterfield - Python Slack bot framework using asyncio and Slack's RTM API
  • changetip-slack - ChangeTip Slack Tip bot
  • django-slack - Slack integration for Django, using the templating engine to generate messages
  • django-slack-oauth - Slack OAuth module for Django
  • ellie-slack - Eliza's younger, hipper, psychobabble-friendly successor as a Slackbot
  • errbot - A plugin-based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable
  • flask-slack - Flask extension which makes it easy to interact with Slack slash commands
  • fs-slack - Silly slash command synthesis for Slack
  • gmail2slack - Send a Slack notification whenever a new gmail arrives
  • limbo - A simple, clean, easy-to-modify Slack chatbot
  • morgenbot - A standup bot for Slack
  • mqttwarn - Notify Slack from MQTT
  • openduty - An open source alerting and incident escalation tool
  • pyslack - Python API Wrapper
  • python-rtmbot - A Slack bot written in Python that connects to the RTM API
  • python-slack.com - Python classes for integrating with Slack
  • python-slackclient (pypi) - A basic client for Slack, which can optionally connect to the RTM API
  • reach-slack-rtm - Simple Slack RTM chat built with ReactJS and Django
  • relay - Bare-bones continuous integration using Docker Hub and Slack
  • scudcloud - Ubuntu client for Slack
  • sscaas - Slack Slash Commands as a Service
  • slack - A simple and comprehensive Slack API client
  • slack-echo-chamber - Crosspost messages from one channel into another
  • slack-emojis - images for custom Slack emojis
  • slack-imgur - A random image from Imgur to Slack
  • slack-overflow - Search Stack Overflow right from within Slack
  • slack_standup_snitch - A Slack bot that counts the days each user was active on a channel, calling out the inactive users
  • slack-w3w - Slack Webhook for linking to What3Words
  • slack-workout - A fun hack that gets Slackbot to force your teammates to work out!
  • slack-zenoss - A Slack incoming webhook to show events from Zenoss
  • slackard - A bot for Slack
  • slackbot - A chat bot for Slack
  • slackbot-python - A Slack.com bot in Python integrated with Amazon SQS
  • slackbridge - Bridge Slack channels between companies
  • slackcmd - A Python script for piping output from the command line to a Slack channel
  • slackcraft - Slask based WoW bot for Slack
  • slacker - Slack API Wrapper for Python
  • slacker-cli - Messages to slack from the command line
  • slackfred - Interact with Slack via Alfred
  • slackotron - A Slack bot customizable via plugins
  • slackpy - Slack client library for specific logging
  • slacksocket - Python interface to the Slack RTM API
  • slouch - Lightweight Python framework for building cli-inspired Slack bots
  • StackStorm Slack Pack - Pack which allows integration with Slack service.
  • sublime-slack-integration - Post to Slack from Sublime Text 3
  • tracslack - Trac notifications for Slack
  • webhook-bridge - micro-service to convert webhook POST formats including Slack
  • wee-slack - A WeeChat plugin for Slack


  • slackr - A package to send webhook API messages to Slack channels/users from R



  • rust-slack - A rust crate for sending messages to Slack via webhooks.





  • zephlack - Slack Messaging extension written in Zephir


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.



To the extent possible under law, Matias Singers has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.