- 0
Control Clojure version
#3002 opened by mfikes - 1
`eval 42` spamming nREPL
#3001 opened by rynkowsg - 0
Windows - Error importing/refreshing a deps project (with git deps) when Intellij's git runs on WSL
#3000 opened by bobisageek - 0
Run tests fails in Babashka REPL
#2999 opened by katox - 5
- 1
Mark know clojure directories as excluded by default
#2969 opened by souenzzo - 2
`IllegalArgumentException` with `:shrunk` field in custom `IPersistentMap` implementation
#2966 opened by evg-tso - 2
Test runner reports failing tests as passed if actual or expected contains ansi color codes
#2973 opened by bobisageek - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
Thread/interrupted receives incorrect warning
#2989 opened by cursive-ide - 1
`cursive.repl.runtime.errors/ex->data` throws
#2993 opened by onetom - 3
- 3
"Internal error: cannot patch the selected configuration" when running debugger
#2995 opened by wmkroo - 1
- 4
Sending forms to Remote REPL not working
#2992 opened by kongeor - 0
Adding aliased import when namespace is already required without alias duplicates
#2996 opened by cursive-ide - 0
When deps files included via :local/root are modified, Cursive doesn't prompt to re-load.
#2991 opened by cursive-ide - 1
REPL evaluation can't distinguish between multiple instances of the same REPL run config
#2986 opened by cursive-ide - 0
- 0
Cursive do not report "artiry exception" in `throw`
#2983 opened by souenzzo - 1
Classes in ns form are marked as unused if the only usage is a constructor.
#2978 opened by cursive-ide - 0
Renaming a namespace alias breaks destructured locals
#2982 opened by N-litened - 2
- 1
Exception when evaluating in 1.14
#2979 opened by cursive-ide - 1
- 1
- 1
REPL commands no longer work outside of Clojure files
#2977 opened by cursive-ide - 1
Jump to REPL and Output commands no longer work when not in a Clojure file
#2976 opened by cursive-ide - 5
Datalevin datom doesn't support empty function
#2970 opened by cursive-ide - 4
Frequent java.lang.IllegalStateException: Recursive update
#2971 opened by matgis - 2
Serialization error in exceptions
#2963 opened by souenzzo - 2
Stacking multiple #_ isn't shown as a comment
#2964 opened by djpowell - 1
Lack of popup on REPL selector widget is confusing
#2965 opened by cursive-ide - 1
Can't toggle REPL toolwindow
#2959 opened by cursive-ide - 7
Inline REPL results are causing a line wrap
#2958 opened by jdhollis - 1
Inline REPL results ignores zoom level
#2961 opened by kolstae - 1
Stacking `#_` no longer highlights correctly
#2974 opened by isaksky - 1
- 0
deps integration doesn't sync src folder correctly in presence of local roots with cycle
#2968 opened by cursive-ide - 0
Unable to open input window in REPL
#2967 opened by mkrcah - 0
- 4
repl inline evaluation does not take effect.
#2960 opened by swuecho - 1
`cursive.lexer.ClojureTokenTypes` does not have member field `'com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType AT'`
#2957 opened by danieroux - 0
Invalid warning when java method name overlaps field
#2956 opened by rbcek - 0
Invalid warning: constructor cannot be resolved
#2955 opened by rbcek - 0
- 0
Option to leave manual alignment unchanged
#2953 opened by imrekoszo