
Benchmark MinION assembler pipelines and publish your results in a heartbeat!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

poreTally: standardized nanopore reads assembler benchmarking

poreTally brings all you need to benchmark nanopore assembly pipelines together. It also generates a report for you in article style, which you can publish in a readable format on Github/Gitlab.

See here for an example of the report, based on a 1000 reads subset of an E. coli dataset found here.

Included assembly pipelines

assembly pipelines displayed bold are ran if no pipelines are specified.

Canu Minimap2 + miniasm
Flye Minimap2 + miniasm + racon x 2
SMARTdenovo Minimap2 + miniasm + nanopolish
wtdbg2 Minimap2 + miniasm + pilon

Important: improving poreTally

Nanopore sequencing is a young field that is in constant motion, thus so should poreTally! Is your favorite assembly pipeline not included in poreTally or did you find poreTally's current implementation of an existing pipeline outdated? Let us know or make a pull request with a yaml file detailing your pipeline and we would be happy to add it!


Before installing poreTally, ensure you have python3.6, miniconda/anaconda and git installed on your system. Building and running poreTally can be achieved on resource-limited systems (2 CPU, 4 GB RAM), though some assemblers may not run successfully (e.g. Canu stipulates a minimum of 8 GB RAM and will forcibly exit). Be aware that you cannot install conda through pip to use it as an application. poreTally also requires the zlib development library to build mappy, as well as more recent versions of setuptools and requests than you may have by default:

sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
pip install setuptools --upgrade
pip install requests --upgrade

Install with pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/cvdelannoy/poreTally.git

Note that poreTally relies on Snakemake and conda environments to run assembly pipeline tools. Due to a quirk between loading conda envs and virtualenvs in Snakemake, poreTally does not run well in a virtualenv.

Alternatively, use the Docker image:

docker run -t -v mount_this:to_that cvdelannoy/poretally run_benchmark -h


Quick start

The entire benchmarking process (assemble, analyze, publish) only requires some light preparation and is started in one command:

poreTally run_benchmark \
                -w path/to/working_directory \
                -r reference_genome.fasta \
                -f path/to/fast5_files_dir \
                -g gene_annotation.gff \
                -i user_info.yaml \
                --git git@github.com:username/repository_to_store_results.git \
                --reads-fastq path/to/read_fastqs_dir [OR] --reads-fasta path/to/read_fastas_dir* 

* The read quality analysis requires fastq reads.

Below, the running process is broken down in steps.

Step 1: prepare your files

At minimum, poreTally requires your nanopore reads, a reference genome and a yaml file containing user information. The construction of this and any additional files you may want to prepare is detailed here.

User information file

poreTally requires some information on you and the sequenced organism to generate reports. Create a yaml file containing authors (that's you), species, basecaller, flowcell code and ONT prep kit code. For example:

authors: B. Honeydew
species: Escherichia coli
basecaller: Albacore 2.2.7
flowcell: FLO-MIN106
kit: SQK-LSK108

species may be entered using either its latin name or NCBI taxonomy ID. species, kit and flowcell are all checked for validity.

Create a Github/Gitlab repository for publication (optional)

If you plan to share your results online, create a Github/Gitlab repository and keep the SSH address for it at hand. You can easily find this address on Gitlab at the top of your page, or on Github by clicking 'clone or download'. It should be formatted as git@domain:username/repo_name.git, for example: git@github.com:cvdelannoy/poreTally_example.git

SLURM settings file (optional)

If you plan to run poreTally in parallel using SLURM, prepare a json-file with SLURM header info. Ensure that there is at least a __default__. Partition should be stated there and nowhere else. Add other items if you want a given pipeline to run with different parameters. For example:

    "__default__" :
        "output": "output_%j.txt",
        "error": "error_%j.txt",
        "time" : "08:00:00",
        "partition" : "your_favorite_partition",
        "mem-per-cpu": "4096",
        "cpus-per-task": 8
        "time" : "01:00:00"

Step 2: run poreTally

To start benchmarking, simply provide your freshly generated user_info.yaml file, a working_directory, reference_genome and (the directory containing) your nanopore reads in fastq-format to poreTally.

Optional arguments

Optionally, you may provide:

  • the number of threads an assembler may use (option -t, default is 4).
  • the original fast5-files if this is required by one or more tools in your pipelines (e.g. Nanopolish) (option -f).
  • short accurate reads if this is required by one or more tools in your pipelines (e.g. Pilon) (option -a).
  • a gene annotation file in gff format to include gene finding results by Quast in the report (option -g).
  • the SSH address of a Github/Gitlab repository you have an SSH key stored for to publish your report (option --git). Note that you are required to have an SSH key set up for the account to which the repository belongs. If you are running poreTally from a container, this key must also be added to the container!
  • the names of one of the default pipelines if you just want to run a subset of these (canu, SMARTdenovo, Flye, minimap2_miniasm, minimap2_miniasm_raconX2). You may also provide the names of yaml files storing your own assembly pipelines! The file name without the .yaml extension will be used to refer to this pipeline in the report, so ensure that these are unique (option -p). See here on how to construct such a file.
  • If you plan to run poreTally in parallel using SLURM, the header you prepared in step 1 (option -s).

An extended running example

If you completely tricked out your poreTally command, it may end up looking somewhat like this:

poreTally run_benchmark \
                -w path/to/working_directory \
                -t 16 \
                -f path/to/fast5_files
                -s path/to/slurm_header.json \
                -r reference_genome.fasta \
                -f path/to/fast5_files_dir \
                -p minimap2_miniasm canu path/to/my_pipeline.yaml \
                -g gene_annotation.gff \
                -i user_info.yaml \
                --git git@github.com:username/repository_to_store_results.git \
                --reads-fastq path/to/read_fastqs_dir

Step 3: supporting the collective benchmark

After running the benchmark and (optionally) publishing your results in an online repository, you will be requested to add your results to the poreTally collective benchmarking effort. If you choose to submit your results, you will be asked to enter the username and password for the Github account from which your results will be submitted. Your information will only be used to submit your results to the collective benchmark and will not be shared in any way. Periodically, we will aggregate submitted results and present a summary in a separate repository.

The collective benchmarking effort aims to present a more inclusive cross-species overview of the de novo assembly pipeline landscape, one more comprehensive than any single research group could make. As prices for sequencing continue to decline and more organisms can be sequenced on any lab bench (or kitchen table), we think that an up-to-date, broad collective benchmarking effort will have even more value in the future.

If you use this tool, please consider sharing your results. Your work will always be duly credited!

Running part of poreTally

Apart from the full benchmark routine, you can also (re-)run specific parts:

  • poreTally run_assemblies: only generate the assemblies
  • poreTally run_analysis: (re-) analyze the produced assemblies from a working directory previously generated by run_assemblies or run_benchmark and produce the report. Handy if you want to see how another reference or gene annotation file works out. This deletes previously generated analyses!
  • poreTally publish_results: only publish a working directory generated by run_analysis or run_benchmark to a Github/Gitlab repository, or share your data with the online benchmark.

Custom pipelines

Running your own pipelines should be almost as straightforward as using the included ones. Just construct a yaml-file stating:

  • a short description of your pipeline
  • the bash commands required to print the versions of included tools
  • the commands that should be run. Be sure to supply the correct key words for your reads (fastq vs fast5) and to pipe the produced assembly into the output variable (see below). Some special rules apply to curly brackets:
  • Use single curly brackets around any variables provided by poreTally, i.e.: {NB_THREADS} (number of threads), {REFGENOME_SIZE} (reference genome size) and {COVERAGE} (average coverage).
  • double curly brackets for the input and output key words, i.e.: {{input.fastq}} (reads in fasta-format), {{input.fast5}} (reads in fast5-format) and {{output}} (the produced assembly).
  • Quadruple curly brackets if you want your curly brackets to stay curly, e.g. awk {{{{print ">"$1"\\n"$2}}}} will translate to awk {print ">"$1"\\n"$2} in the eventual bash script for your pipeline.
  • If your pipeline includes tools that can be found in the Anaconda cloud,you can tell poreTally to construct a conda environment by providing the channels in which said tools are found and the names of the tools under dependencies.

All together, your yaml file should look like this:

  minimap2: 'minimap2 -V'
  miniasm: 'miniasm -V'
description: >
  Minimap2 is a fast all-vs-all mapper of reads that relies on sketches of sequences, composed of
  minimizers. Miniasm uses the found overlaps to construct an assembly graph.
  As a consensus step is lacking in this pipeline, post-assembly polishing is often required.
commands: |
  minimap2 -x ava-ont -t {NB_THREADS} {{input.fastq}} {{input.fastq}} | gzip -1 > minimap2.paf.gz
  miniasm -f {{input.fastq}} minimap2.paf.gz > minimap2_miniasm.gfa
  grep -Po '(?<=S\t)utg.+' minimap2_miniasm.gfa | awk '{{{{print ">"$1"\\n"$2}}}}' | fold > {{output}}
    - bioconda
    - minimap2
    - miniasm

You may also add your pipeline to poreTally by adding your file in the installation_dir/poreTally/poreTally/assembler_commands folder. Think your pipeline is a valuable addition to others? Make a pull request and we'll add your pipeline as a standard!



MinION assembly pipeline benchmarks have been published in traditional peer-reviewed literature before, however we argue that this format is not ideal for the MinION, considering the frequency with which its hardware and software is updated and the significance of those updates to read accuracy. Our intention is to make benchmarking of de novo assembly pipelines and subsequent publishing of results standardized and easy, so that the user community may easily keep its members up to date on best practices for any taxa sequenced so far, for the most recent hardware and software versions.

User friendliness

poreTally should take away many of the obstacles you may encounter when benchmarking pipelines on your own dataset. If you found the poreTally user experience not as click-and-go as you would have liked it to be or see anything else that could use improvement (new metrics, new pipelines to benchmark etc.), please let us know by creating a new issue!

Happy Benchmarking!