
example of a report generated by poreTally

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Assembler benchmark for ONT MinION data

Authors: Carlos de Lannoy, data from Loman Labs

Generated using poreTally, a benchmarking tool. For an interactive version of this report, download REPORT.html from this repository.


The MinION is a portable DNA sequencer that generates long error-prone reads. As both the hardware and analysis software are updated regularly, the most suitable pipeline for subsequent analyses of a dataset generated with a given combination of hardware and software for a given organism is not always clear. Here we present a benchmark for a selection of de novo assemblers available to MinION users, on a read set of Escherichia coli. This benchmark is based on a benchmarking routine, designed to facilitate easy replication on a read set of choice and addition of other de novo assembly pipelines.


Readset quality assessment

Reads in this dataset were generated on a Minion with FLO-MIN106 flowcell with SQK-RAD002 kit. The reads were basecalled using Albacore 0.8.4. Prior to assembly, the quality of the untreated readset was analysed using NanoPlot (version: 1.13.0) and mapped using Minimap2 (version: 2.10-r764-dirty).

Assembly pipelines


Canu is a complete OLC assembly pipeline that was shown to work well for the assembly of error-prone reads. It performs a pre-assembly read correction, read trimming, assembly using the minhash alignment process (MHAP) and ultimately a consensus finding step.

Included tools:
  • canu (version: snapshot v1.7 +0 changes (r8692 c9ef9219a265e0bbe3a311cca7d28aa02b7517d3))

Used command:
${CANU} -d ${INT}/assembler_results/canu -p canu_assembly maxThreads=${NB_THREADS} useGrid=false genomeSize=$REFGENOME_SIZE -nanopore-raw ${INT}/all_reads.fasta

cp ${INT}/assembler_results/canu/canu_assembly.contigs.fasta ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/canu.fasta


SMARTdenovo is a long read OLC assembly pipeline that was originally intended to work with PacBio reads, but has been shown to produce assemblies of reasonably high continuity from MinION reads as well.

Included tools:
  • SMARTdenovo (version: none defined)

Used command:
${SMARTDENOVO} -p ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly ${INT}/all_reads.fasta > ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.mak && (make -f ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.mak)
if [ -e ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.cns ]; then
cp ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.cns ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/smartdenovo.fasta
elif [ -e ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.dmo.lay.utg ]; then
cp ${INT}/assembler_results/smartdenovo/smartdenovo_assembly.dmo.lay.utg ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/smartdenovo.fasta

minimap2 miniasm nanopolish

Minimap2 is a fast all-vs-all mapper of reads that relies on sketches of sequences, composed of minimizers. Miniasm uses the found overlaps to construct an assembly graph. As a consensus step is lacking in this pipeline, post-assembly polishing is often required. In this case, Nanopolish was used.

Included tools:
  • minimap2 (version: <${MINIMAP2} -V>)
  • miniasm (version: <${MINIASM} -V>)
  • nanopolish (version: <${NANOPOLISH} --version | grep -Po '(?<=nanopolish version ).+'>)

Used command:
${MINIMAP2} -x ava-ont -t ${NB_THREADS} ${INT}/all_reads.fastq ${INT}/all_reads.fastq | gzip -1 > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2.paf.gz && (${MINIASM} -f ${INT}/all_reads.fastq ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2.paf.gz > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2_miniasm.gfa)
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2"\n"$3}' ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2_miniasm.gfa | fold > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2_miniasm.fasta

${TOOL_DIR}/scripts/other/nanopolish_std.sh ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/minimap2_miniasm.fasta ${INT}/extended_parameters.config ${INT}/all_reads.fastq

cp ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish/nanopolish/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish.fasta ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish.fasta


Flye uses A-Bruijn graphs to assemble long error-prone reads. To do so, it follows arbitrary paths through the assembly graph and constructs new assembly graphs from these paths.

Included tools:
  • flye (version: 2.3.3-g47cdd0b)

Used command:
$FLYE --nano-raw ${INT}/all_reads.fastq --genome-size ${REFGENOME_SIZE} --out-dir ${INT}/assembler_results/flye/ --threads ${NB_THREADS}

cp ${INT}/assembler_results/flye/scaffolds.fasta ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/flye.fasta

minimap2 miniasm

Minimap2 is a fast all-vs-all mapper of reads that relies on sketches of sequences, composed of minimizers. Miniasm uses the found overlaps to construct an assembly graph. As a consensus step is lacking in this pipeline, post-assembly polishing is often required.

Included tools:
  • minimap2 (version: 2.10-r764-dirty)
  • miniasm (version: 0.2-r168-dirty)

Used command:
${MINIMAP2} -x ava-ont -t ${NB_THREADS} ${INT}/all_reads.fastq ${INT}/all_reads.fastq | gzip -1 > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2.paf.gz && (${MINIASM} -f ${INT}/all_reads.fastq ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2.paf.gz > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2_miniasm.gfa)
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2"\n"$3}' ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2_miniasm.gfa | fold > ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2_miniasm.fasta

cp ${INT}/assembler_results/minimap2_miniasm/minimap2_miniasm.fasta ${INT}/assembler_results/all_assemblies/minimap2_miniasm.fasta

Assembly quality assessment

Produced assemblies were analyzed and compared on continuity and agreement with the reference genome. Quast (version: 4.6.2) was used to determine a wide array of quality metrics in both quality categories and produce synteny plots. To elucidate any bias in the occurence of certain sequences, 5-mers in the assemblies and the reference genomes were compared using Jellyfish (version: 2.2.9). Finally, results were summarized using MultiQC.


General Statistics

Total length N50 indels per 100 kbp CPU time mismatches per 100 kbp Genome fraction
smartdenovo 2.95478e+06 457841 3776.75 0:27:40 3692.82 0.154
minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish 2.56604e+06 314671 3255.26 1 day, 4:26:31 2893.55 32.717
minimap2_miniasm 2.50698e+06 307611 3881.88 0:00:12 2886.53 0.065
canu 4.28217e+06 824286 2473.37 1 day, 16:39:33 701.92 95.605
flye 4.85564e+06 1.35387e+06 1717.34 0:46:41 920.91 99.563

Readset quality

Value N %
Mean read quality 10.8 mismatches872 10.9
Median read quality 11.2 deletions 910 11.38
Median read length 20763 insertions258 3.23
Mean read length 34946.1 matches 595874.49


Assembly Statistics

Length (Mbp) N75 (Kbp) Largest contig (Kbp) L50 (K) N50 (Kbp) L75 (K) Genome Fraction Indels /100Kbp Mismatches /100Kbp Genes Genes (partial) Misas- semblies
smartdenovo 2.95478e+06 204859 1.19863e+06 2 457841 5 0.154 3776.75 3692.82 7 1 0
minimap2_miniasm_nanopolish 2.56604e+06 194314 1.18852e+06 2 314671 4 32.717 3255.26 2893.55 1427 47 4
minimap2_miniasm 2.50698e+06 190149 1.16168e+06 2 307611 4 0.065 3881.88 2886.53 5 1 0
canu 4.28217e+06 553925 1.37499e+06 2 824286 4 95.605 2473.37 701.92 4118 33 0
flye 4.85564e+06 935133 1.75901e+06 2 1.35387e+06 3 99.563 1717.34 920.91 4287 14 1

Number of Contigs

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k-mer Counts

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Synteny Plots

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