
Demo Ajhc application on Cortex-M3 arch.

Primary LanguageC

Ajhc demo for Cortex-M3/4 board Build Status

First, you have to know there are several boards supported by the demo. Second, the demo needs Ajhc or later.

Using following boards are strongly recommend, so you can use gdb.

  • stm32f3-discovery
  • mbed NXP LPC1768

Demo movies

  • CPU: STM32F303VCT6
  • ROM: 256kB
  • RAM: 48kB

  • CPU: LPC1768
  • ROM: 512kB
  • RAM: 32kB

  • CPU: LPC1769
  • ROM: 512kB
  • RAM: 64kB

  • CPU: STM32F103CBT6
  • ROM: 128kB
  • RAM: 20kB

Common requirements

Install summon-arm-toolchain

$ git clone https://github.com/vedderb/summon-arm-toolchain.git
$ apt-get install flex bison libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev \
  libmpc-dev autoconf texinfo build-essential libftdi-dev zlib1g-dev \
  git zlib1g-dev python-yaml
$ cd summon-arm-toolchain/
$ ./summon-arm-toolchain
$ export PATH=$HOME/sat/bin:$PATH

Install Ajhc

$ sudo apt-get install make locales autoconf libreadline-dev \
  libwww-perl libconfig-yaml-perl graphviz haskell-platform drift pandoc \
  libghc-readline-dev libghc-utf8-string-dev libghc-hssyck-dev libghc-pandoc-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/ajhc/ajhc.git
$ cd ajhc
$ git checkout arafura
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ ajhc --version |head -1
ajhc (-0)

If you use stm32f3-discovery

Install stlink

$ sudo apt-get install libsgutils2-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/texane/stlink.git
$ cd stlink/
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

How to build

$ git clone https://github.com/ajhc/demo-cortex-m3
$ cd demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/
$ make

Write to flash

In one terminal, start the connection to the board.

$ sudo st-util

In another terminal, connect to the debugger and flash program.

$ make gdbwrite
Loading section .isr_vector, size 0x188 lma 0x8000000
Loading section .text, size 0x1ec4 lma 0x8000188
Loading section .data, size 0x5c lma 0x800204c
Start address 0x8001f89, load size 8360
Transfer rate: 6 KB/sec, 2786 bytes/write.
(gdb) c

If you use mbed NXP LPC1768

Upgrade firmware


Use rev 141212 or later firmware, to support CMSIS-DAP.

Install pyOCD


$ sudo apt-get install python libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/walac/pyusb.git
$ cd pyusb
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ git clone https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD.git
$ cd pyOCD
$ sudo python setup.py install

How to build

$ cd demo-cortex-m3/mbed-nxp-lpc1768
$ cd samples/Haskell
$ make

Write to flash

In one terminal, start the connection to the board.

$ cd demo-cortex-m3/mbed-nxp-lpc1768
$ sudo python gdbserver4mbed.py

In another terminal, connect to the debugger and flash program.

$ cd demo-cortex-m3/mbed-nxp-lpc1768
$ ./BuildShell
$ cd samples/Haskell
$ make gdbwrite
(gdb) c

If you use LPCXpresso Board for LPC1769

$ cd demo-cortex-m3/mbed-nxp-lpc1768
$ ./BuildShell
$ cd samples/Haskell
$ make gdbwrite

Get debug board

LPC-Link is not used with Linux Host. A debug board is needed for writing firmware to LPCXpresso Board. You can get more infomation from the following links.

Install lpc21isp

$ svn co https://lpc21isp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/lpc21isp
$ cd lpc21isp/
$ make
$ sudo cp lpc21isp /usr/local/bin/

How to build

$ git clone https://github.com/ajhc/demo-cortex-m3.git
$ cd demo-cortex-m3/lpcxpresso-lpc1769/blinky/
$ make

Write to flash

Connect up the LPCXpresso Board to PC with USB cable. Pull nReset low to put the LPC1769 into reset. Pull the ISP pin (P0.14) low. Pull nReset high, LPC1769 will be boot with ISP mode.

Then, flash program with below command.

$ make flash

Pull nReset low, and pull nReset high.

If you use stbee-mini

Install dfu-util

$ git clone git://gitorious.org/~tormod/unofficial-clones/dfuse-dfu-util.git
$ cd dfuse-dfu-util/
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

How to build

$ git clone https://github.com/ajhc/demo-cortex-m3.git
$ cd demo-cortex-m3/stbee-mini/
$ make

Write to flash

Press and release the reset switch while holding down the user switch. Then release the user switch. The hardware will boot with DFU download mode.

Run below command on Linux box to flash program.

$ make write2stbeemini

Press and release the reset switch to boot with normal mode.

Porting the demo to a new platform

Get base source codes written with C language

C language code is needed to launch Haskell code. For example, https://github.com/jeremyherbert/stm32-templates.

Write Haskell code

$ mkdir hs_src
$ vi hs_src/Main.hs

Note that the below idiom is used to access Memory-mapped I/O.

$ vi hs_src/Main.hs
foreign import ccall "c_extern.h &jhc_zeroAddress" c_jhc_zeroAddress32 :: Ptr Word32

myPtr :: Ptr Word32
myPtr = c_jhc_zeroAddress32 `plusPtr` myAddr
  where myAddr = 0x48001028

writeMyPtr :: Word32 -> IO ()
writeMyPtr = poke myPtr
$ vi c_extern.h
extern volatile void jhc_zeroAddress;

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/hs_src/Main.hs.

Call Haskell code from C language code

$ vi src/main.c
int main(void) {
/* --snip-- */
      { /* Run Haskell code */
           int hsargc = 1;
           char *hsargv = "t";
           char **hsargvp = &hsargv;
           hs_init(&hsargc, &hsargvp);
           /* hs_exit(); */
/* --snip-- */

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/src/main.c.

Create alloc.c if don't have malloc function

Some software architecture on tiny CPU often have no malloc function. But Ajhc's garbage collector (jgc) needs the malloc.

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/src/alloc.c.

Add the others as dummy function

Implement the functions that are used by Ajhc's RTS.

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/src/dummy4jhc.c.

Modify Makefile on top directory for compiling the Haskell code

Covert Haskell code to C language with Ajhc, and extract Ajhc's RTS source code on "jhc_custom/rts/src" directory.

$ vi Makefile
# --snip--
SRCS += hs_main.c alloc.c dummy4jhc.c
CFLAGS += -Wl,--defsym,jhc_zeroAddress=0

all: $(TARGET)

$(TARGET): $(SRCS) jhcrts
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) -o $@ -L$(JHCRTS_LIB) -ljhcrts

jhcrts: hs_main.c

hs_main.c: hs_src/Main.hs
	ajhc -fffi --tdir=$(JHCRTS_SRC) -C -o $@ $<
# --snip--

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/Makefile.

Create Makefile for compiling Ajhc's RTS

Create Makefile for compiling Ajhc's RTS extracted on "jhc_custom/rts/src" directory. Detail of CFLAGS: Ajhc User's Manual / Special defines to set cflags.

$ mkdir -p jhc_custom/rts
$ vi jhc_custom/rts/Makefile
# --snip--
vpath %.c $(JHCRTS_SRC)/rts
SRCS = gc_jgc.c jhc_rts.c stableptr.c rts_support.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

CFLAGS += -I$(JHCRTS_SRC) -std=gnu99

all: libjhcrts.a

libjhcrts.a: $(OBJS)
	$(AR) -r $@ $(OBJS)

%.o : %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $^
# --snip--

For example, demo-cortex-m3/stm32f3-discovery/jhc_custom/rts/Makefile.

Original source code

This demo is based on below original source code.