A list of tool extensions for .NET Core Command Line (dotnet CLI), aka '.NET Core global tools'.
NuGet.org now supports searching by package type. Find the complete list .NET tools here:
The following list was created by users like you. Feel free to add yours. The presence of a tool in this list is not a recommendation of its quality or reliability.
Tip: 💡 Global tools do not need to be named "dotnet-*". This is only a convention used by some authors as a way to indicate a package is meant to be used as part of the
command line tool, and not a standalone tool or library reference.
Command | Description |
aistdoc |
Generates an API reference documentation for .NET and TypeScript code (based on XML Docs or TypeDoc comments) and publishes it on the web. Author: @korzh dotnet tool install -g Aistant.DocImport
altcover |
Cross-platform code line and branch coverage tool-set for .net core/.net framework/mono Author: @SteveGilham dotnet tool install -g altcover.global
altcover.visualizer |
Code coverage display tool to show which parts of your code _aren't_ being covered. Requires GTK+3 installed separately Author: @SteveGilham dotnet tool install -g altcover.visualizer
as-cli |
Use Azure Storage on CLI. Download, upload, show and more on CLI
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g azure-storage-cli
assembly-differ |
Compare and Diff assemblies from different sources (inluding NuGet). Useful for determining what changes are introduced across versions, and if any are breaking.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g assembly-differ
assembly-rewriter |
Rewrites .NET assemblies with Mono.Cecil, to allow two different versions of the same assembly to be referenced within an application.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g assembly-rewriter
autocommit |
Automatically commit changes to git on a set interval, ending with a squash merge to the original head
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-autocommit
aver |
Dotnet tool for reading assembly information
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g aver
azure-boards-workitems |
Execute queries and other work item data extraction tools.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g azure-boards-workitems
azuresigntool |
Code sign your files using an Authenticode certificate stored in Azure Key Vault
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g azuresigntool
base64urls |
CLI tool for base64 & base64url encode/decode for URL applications.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g base64urls
benchmark |
Provides a convenient way to execute your benchmark(s) from the command line interface.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g BenchmarkDotNet.Tool
boots |
.NET global tool for bootstrapping vsix & pkg files. Just "boots https://url/to/your/package"!
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g boots
bruce |
A Command Line Kerberos .NET Management Tool.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g bruce
certdump |
CLI tool to dump the signing certificate from a Portable Executable (PE) file.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g CertDump
certes |
CLI tool for acquire certificates via the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol. (example: LetsEncrypt.org)
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-certes
cleanup |
.NET Core Global Tool for cleaning up solution, project or folder.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-cleanup
codeconv |
Codeconv converts code from VB.NET to C# (and vice versa)
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g ICSharpCode.CodeConverter.CodeConv
coverlet |
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage library for .NET Core, with support for line, branch and method coverage.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g coverlet.console
csmin |
Fast and small utility to minify C# source. It removes whitespace and comments without altering the behaviour of the code. It is fast and small because it does not need or use Roslyn. It is also available as a library.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g CSharpMinifier
csval |
Utility that validates a C# source for syntax errors.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g CSharpSyntaxValidator
CycloneDX |
Creates CycloneDX Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) from .NET Projects
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g CycloneDX
dacpac |
Publish .dacpac on MS SQL Server without SSDT installed
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Dacpac.Tool
* Run dotnet dacpac publish --dacpath=C:\artifact\db\ --server=mydatabase.server.contoso.com --databasenames='client1;client2;client3;client4'
dbtool |
Exports database data to some commonly-used formats (XML, JSON, etc.) or imports the data in those formats back to DB.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Korzh.DbTool
depguard |
Check your projects for use of disallowed (blacklisted) NuGet packages, including transitive references.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g depguard
dmd5 |
Just generate MD5 hash value in CLI.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dmd5
docker-watch |
A command line utility to notify docker mounted volumes about changes on Windows.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g docker-watch
docs |
Search docs.microsoft.com using the command line.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-doc
dotnet-aop |
A tool to make AOP for .cs files for your CI pipeline.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aop
dotnet-apim |
A cross-platform dotnet tool which streamlines the CI/CD process of deploying APIs into Azure API Management
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Apim.DevOps.Toolkit
dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator |
Code generation tool for creating controllers, views, and models in ASP.NET Core projects.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
dotnet-cake |
A tool to run cross platform Cake build scripts.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Cake.Tool
dotnet-config |
A global tool for managing hierarchical configurations for dotnet tools, using git config format.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-config
dotnet-config2json |
A simple tool to convert a web.config file to an appsettings.json file.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-config2json
dotnet-cowsay |
CLI Tool that gives a a random blog post from discoverdot.net in cowsay format.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-cowsay
dotnet-cs2ts |
Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g CSharpToTypeScript.CLITool
dotnet-dbinfo |
A simple cross-platform command-line tool for get useful database information (in json format).
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-dbinfo
dotnet-depends |
Dependency explorer for .NET.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-depends
dotnet-eb |
Tools to deploy ASP.NET Core apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Global tool started at version 3.0.0.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.ElasticBeanstalk.Tools
dotnet-ecs |
Tools to deploy containers to Amazon Elastic Container Service functions. Global tool started at version 3.0.0.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.ECS.Tools
dotnet-encrypto |
A tool to encrypt/decrypt folder or files using AES 256 Encryption Algorithm
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-encrypto
dotnet-file |
A dotnet global tool for downloading and updating loose files from arbitrary URLs.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-file
dotnet-fm |
FluentMigrator: Is a database migration framework for .NET much like Ruby on Rails Migrations.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g FluentMigrator.DotNet.Cli
dotnet-format |
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format
dotnet-fsharplint |
Lint tool for F#.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-fsharplint
dotnet-giio |
A .NET global tool to create useful .gitignore files for your project using gitignore.io Author: @liammoat dotnet tool install -g dotnet-giio
dotnet-gitreleasemanager |
Tool for creating and exporting releases for software applications hosted on Github Author: @GitTools dotnet tool install -g GitReleaseManager.Tool
dotnet-gitversion |
Easy Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org) for projects using Git.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g GitVersion.Tool
dotnet-grab |
.NET core global tool to download nuget packages in to a directory without any project. Useful when developing csx / fsx scripts
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-grab
dotnet-hash |
A simple dotnet tool to calculate hashes for the given file.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g TheBlueSky.DotNet.Tools.SwiftHash
dotnet-ignore |
Global .NET Core tool that can download .gitignore file from github gitignore repository.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ignore
dotnet-imgup |
Global .NET Core tool to upload images on disk to imgur.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-imgup
dotnet-install |
Provides capabilities for installing a .NET Core shared runtime.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g QB.DotNetCoreInstaller
dotnet-lambda |
Tools to deploy AWS Lambda functions. Global tool started at version 3.0.0.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
dotnet-migrate-2017 |
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file (`csproj`) to VS2017 format and beyond. Author: @hvanbakel dotnet tool install -g Project2015To2017.Migrate2017.Tool
dotnet-namechk |
Global .NET Core tool to check for the availability of package names on NuGet
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-namechk
dotnet-nuget-gc |
A tool for cleaning the NuGet cache.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-nuget-gc
dotnet-obfuscar |
A .NET Core global tool to obfuscate assemblies.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Obfuscar.GlobalTool
dotnet-octo |
A .NET Core tool for octo.exe. This lets you install Octo onto a machine or build agent as long as you have the .NET Core 2.1.300 SDK available. Author: @OctopusDeploy Because it is common to install octo.exe in the cloud, you'll likely want to install it in a specific non-OS volume and on the version of Octopus Deploy you currently support: dotnet tool install Octopus.DotNet.Cli --tool-path /path/for/tool --version <version>
dotnet-outdated |
A .NET Core global tool to display and update outdated NuGet packages in a project.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-outdated-tool
dotnet-pr |
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to open the browser in pull request mode for the code collaboration tool (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket++) connected to the current checked out branch (fetched via the git remote and/or tracking branch). Author: @johnkors dotnet tool install -g dotnet-pr
dotnet-project-licenses |
.NET Core tool to get the licenses of a project. Author: @tomchavakis dotnet tool install -g dotnet-project-licenses
dotnet-property |
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to update project properties and version numbers on build. Author: @pwelter34 dotnet tool install -g dotnet-property
dotnet-readbin |
A .NET Core global tool to convert encoded or serialized data to human-readable format.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-readbin
dotnet-retire |
A dotnet CLI extension to check your project for known vulnerabilities.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-retire
dotnet-runas |
Allows to run a dotnet process under a specified user account.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-runas
dotnet-script |
Run C# scripts from the .NET CLI.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script
dotnet-sdk |
Manage .NET Core SDKs.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g DotNetSdkHelpers
dotnet-search |
Search for Nuget packages using the .NET Core CLI.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-search
dotnet-serve |
A simple command line HTTP server, no code required.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-serve
dotnet-server |
A configurable local http server to "mock" or fake responses from down stream services.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g DotNetSimpleServer
dotnet-signtool |
A tool for strong-name keys and signing of assemblies.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install --g AppCore.SigningTool
dotnet-snow |
Avalonia-based cross-platform graphical snow demo.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-snow
dotnet-sonarscanner |
The SonarScanner for MSBuild is the recommended way to launch a SonarQube or SonarCloud analysis for projects/solutions using dotnet command as build tool.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet-sort-refs |
A tool to alphabetically sort package references in .NET projects. Also can be incluced in build pipeline to run checks.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sort-refs
dotnet-sqldb |
Using DbUp, to apply migration scripts etc. against a SQL-Server database.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sqldb
dotnet-sshdeploy |
A dotnet CLI command that enables quick deployments over SSH.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sshdeploy
dotnet-symbol |
Symbols download utility. Author: @microsoft dotnet tool install -g dotnet-symbol
dotnet-thx |
Find authors of packages you are using in you project and visit their GitHub.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g DotnetThx
dotnet-toast |
A .NET Core global tool to send custom toast notifications on Windows 10
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-toast
dotnet-try |
Try.NET Global Tool: interactive in-browser documentation and workshop creator
Project site: Try .NET
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-try
dotnet-updatealltools |
The dotnet tool that can update all dotnet tools.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnetCampus.UpdateAllDotNetTools
dotnet-ups |
Synchronize sln folder structure to physical folders also fixing project references.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ups
dotnet-version |
A simple tool to update the version number of your project. If you know of yarn version, this is that for .NET.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g DotnetVersion
dotnet-warp |
A .NET Core global tool to pack project into single executable using Warp. Author: @Hubert-Rybak dotnet tool install -g dotnet-warp
dotnet-xdt |
Toolbox for applying XML Document Transformations to .NET configuration files, or any other XML-structured content. Includes a .NET Core global tool, a .NET Standard library with no external dependencies, and a standalone .NET 4.6+ executable.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-xdt
dotnetrsa |
Generate rsa pkcs1, pkcs8, xml format key. Conversion between the three formats.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnetrsa
efg |
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core model from an existing database.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g EntityFrameworkCore.Generator
exceldna-unpack |
Extract (unpack) the contents of Excel-DNA add-ins that have been packed with ExcelDnaPack, including .NET assemblies
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g exceldna-unpack
execute |
Console tool for running custom commands
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-tool-exec
fake |
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g fake-cli
file-sort |
A tool to organize files in folders based by date.
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g file-sort
findref |
Find which assemblies in a folder whom are referencing a given assembly
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g findref
flubu |
Fluent Builder. A cross platform build automation tool for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g FlubuCore.GlobalTool
ghi |
A simple command-line client for managing GitHub Issues.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g github-issues-cli
giphy |
Find that giphy fast and just copy the url or markdown.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g GiphyCli
git-browse |
Open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g git-browse
git-flow-version |
Create predictable and opinionated SemVer 2.0.0 version numbers for git flow repositories.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g git-flow-version
git-istage |
A better git add -p.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g git-istage
git-rocket-filter |
A powerful and faster version of git-filter-branch using C# Roslyn scripting to rewrite/filter commits.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g git-rocket-filter
git-status |
A simple command-line utility to determine status of all Git repositories in a directory structure.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g git-status-cli
gitchanges |
Generate changelogs from git history.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-gitchanges
gitcoauth |
GitCoAuth: simple co-authorship commit line generator for Git commit messages.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-gitcoauth
GitHubMarkdownSnippets |
A utility for merging snippets into GitHub markdown document.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g MarkdownSnippets.Tool
gti |
Global tool for installing .Net Global tools from a tools.gti file.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g gti
guid |
.NET Core Global Tool for creating GUIDs/UUIDs.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-guid
helveg |
A software visualization tool. It turns projects into islands and classes into trees. It also sets the trees on fire if there are errors in them.
Project site: GitLab
dotnet tool install -g helveg
html-copy-vscode |
A global tool to convert snippets copied from VS Code into plain html to paste into your blog.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g HtmlCopyVSCode
idgen |
idgen supports the bulk generation of various types of unique identifiers.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g IdentifierGenerator
ilspycmd |
A tool for decompiling .NET assemblies and generating portable PDBs
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g ilspycmd
installsdk |
A global tool for downloading and installing .NET Core SDKs based on a global.json files.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g InstallSdkGlobalTool
jitdasm |
Disassembles one or more .NET methods / types to stdout or file(s). It can also create diffable disassembly.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g JitDasm.0xd4d
json2yaml |
A tool for converting json to yaml. Supports piping.
Project site: GitLab
dotnet tool install -g json2yaml
Kentico.Kontent.ModelGenerator |
POCO model generator for Kentico Kontent.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Kentico.Kontent.ModelGenerator
kubedmc |
Navigate into your favorite Kubernetes cluster with one finger! Author: @mimetis dotnet tool install -g kubedmc
libman |
LibMan is a tool that helps you download common libraries from the Internet to use in your web project.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.CLI
LiveReloadServer |
A self-contained, generic, local Web Server that you can use to serve Web content from with optional support for Live Reload functionality for refreshing the site on content changes. Just point the tool at a folder and go. Also supports loose Razor Pages and has built-in Markdown document serving support.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g LiveReloadServer
LocalAppVeyor |
.NET Core global tool which brings appveyor.yml to the center of your build process by making possible to execute its build jobs, locally.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g localappveyor
mddox |
A simple markdown documentation generator using reflection and XML comments.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g loxsmoke.mddox
minimig |
A forward-only database migration tool.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g minimig
minver-cli |
A minimalistic command line tool for versioning any Git repository using tags.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g minver-cli
moniker |
Moniker CLI is a tiny .NET Core Global Tool for generating fun names. The names can follow the style used in Helm for release names or in Docker for container names.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g moniker.cli
nanoff |
A .NET Core Tool to update the firmware of nanoFramework devices. It can also backup the firmware, deployment and be used in production environment.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g nanoFirmwareFlasher
nbgv |
A .NET Core Tool that can install, read and set version information based on git history, using Nerdbank.GitVersioning.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g nbgv
ncbeauty |
Move a .NET Core app runtime components and dependencies into a sub-directory and make it beauty.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g nulastudio.ncbeauty
ndjson |
A dotnet cli tool for printing newline delimited json to console. Author: @fredeil dotnet tool install -g ndjson
nuget-deploy |
Restore NuGet package if needed, and deploy it in a specified folder, by copying assemblies of the NuGet dependencies, or by generating appropriate `.deps.json` and `.runtimeconfig.json` files
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NuGetUtils.Tool.Deploy
nuget-exec |
Restore NuGet package if needed, and execute a method within its assembly, loading dependencies as needed on-the-fly. Custom method parameter types are also supported.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NuGetUtils.Tool.Exec
nuget-restore |
Restore one or more NuGet package, if needed.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NuGetUtils.Tool.Restore
NuGetKeyVaultSignTool |
Code sign your .nupkg files using an Authenticode certificate stored in Azure Key Vault
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NuGetKeyVaultSignTool
nuke |
Run and setup NUKE builds with a single command on any platform 🚀
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Nuke.GlobalTool
NukedBit.NRepo |
.NET Core Global Tool for simplifying repository creation with good defaults.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NukedBit.NRepo
NuKeeper |
Find outdated NuGet packages and apply updates to them.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g NuKeeper
nyancat |
Nyancat 😻 in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. A port of the original terminal application to make this cat run on dotnet core. 🐱🏍 Author: @nickvdyck dotnet tool install -g nyancat
omnia-cli |
A cli tool for interacting with OMNIA Low-code REST API.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Omnia.CLI
orang |
Search, replace, rename and delete directories, files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g orang.dotnet.cli
otterkeys |
Quickly create Ed25519 key pairs for signing and verifying messages or other data.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g OtterKeys
p2u |
Paste text content with Unix-like line terminations into Windows Terminal without extra line wrapping. Even into Cmd or Vim.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g p2u
pbm |
Petabridge.Cmd CLI for managing Akka.NET applications and clusters
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g pbm
protogen |
protobuf-net code-generation from .proto schema files.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g protobuf-net.Protogen
pwsh |
PowerShell Core global tool.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g PowerShell
recolor |
Colors regex matches on STDIN lines
Project site: Github
dotnet tool install -g recolor
RendleLabs.NukeFromOrbit |
Adds a `nuke-from-orbit` command that deletes all `bin` and `obj` directories from a solution, for times when it's the only way to be sure.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g RendleLabs.NukeFromOrbit
reportgenerator |
ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by OpenCover, PartCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover or Cobertura into human readable reports in various formats. Project site: GitHub dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
rider |
**Windows only** Adds a `rider` command to launch JetBrains Rider when it's installed via Toolbox.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-rider-cli
rimraf |
rimraf as a .NET Core Global Tool.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-rimraf
roslynator |
A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g roslynator.dotnet.cli
sbmgr |
Azure servicebus message manager. List, send, resend and delete messages on servicebus queues or topics
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g message-manager
sharpfuzz |
Command line tool for SharpFuzz instrumentation.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g SharpFuzz.CommandLine
skynet-cli |
A command line tool for uploading files to Sia Skynet.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g skynet-cli
sleet |
A static NuGet feed generator.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Sleet
snitch |
A tool that help you find transitive package references that can be removed.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Snitch
specsync |
SpecSync for Azure DevOps is a synchronization tool that synchronizes BDD Gherkin feature files with Azure DevOps (TFS/VSTS). Author: @gasparnagy dotnet tool install -g SpecSync.AzureDevOps
speech |
Unofficial Azure Speech CLI - manage acoustic datasets, models, endpoints, transcriptions and more.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g AzureSpeechCLI
srihash |
Generates the SRI hash for
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g srihash-cli
ssllabs-check |
Tool that will check ssllabs score api and cert expiration when provided a list of hosts.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ssllabs-check
sysinfo |
Outputs system information.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Elemental.SysInfoTool
t4 |
T4 text template processor.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-t4
tcpmux |
TCP Multiplexer; provide simple routing of TCP traffic as well as SSL re-encryption and off-loading.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g TcpMux
templateversions |
Lists all the versions of dotnet core SDKs in your user template directory and the global tools for each version.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g TemplateVersions.Tool
todo |
The simple, powerfull and extensible Todo List app in your terminal.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g todo
trx2junit |
Transforms XML from trx-Testresults to JUnit-Testresults / trx to JUnit XML.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g trx2junit
tus |
A cli tool for interacting with a Tus enabled server.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g TusCli
unpkg |
Front-end package manager that uses the unpkg.com CDN as a source. No Node.js, NPM or Bower required.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g RendleLabs.UnpkgCli
upforgrabs |
A tool to select a random .NET Open Source project/issue tagged with "up-for-grabs","firsttimer", etc. to work on.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g upforgrabs
versioninfo |
Display version information of .NET Core assemblies.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-versioninfo
vs |
A global tool for managing Visual Studio installations.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-vs
webtty |
Simple command-line tool for sharing a terminal over the web.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g webtty
weeknumber |
Prints the current weeknumber to the command line.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g weeknumber
WhiteSpaceWarrior |
Removes all the stuff you get annoyed about when you speed-read code, such as empty lines, empty comments, and short meaningles comments.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g WhiteSpaceWarrior
xamarin-android-binderator |
An engine to generate Xamarin Binding projects from Maven repositories with a JSON config and razor templates.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g Xamarin.AndroidBinderator.Tool
xscgen |
Generate XmlSerializer compatible C# classes from XML Schema files.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-xscgen
xstyler |
CLI for XAML Styler. Format your XAML source code by integrating into build scripts, git commit templates, and more. This package is built on top of the same styling engine that powers the Visual Studio plugin.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g XamlStyler.Console
xunit |
Console tool for running xUnit.net tests
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g xunit-cli
yamlizr |
Generate Azure Pipelines YAML and GitHub Actions YAML from Azure DevOps Classic Build/Release definitions.
Project site: GitHub
dotnet tool install -g yamlizr