- 0
New Release?
#220 opened by varunagrawal - 1
- 0
Add a cycle with arrow to PGM.
#185 opened by Freakwill - 1
- 2
Assert statements in the Code
#167 opened by nstarman - 3
Code future
#169 opened by nstarman - 0
Change bool flags to str option.
#170 opened by nstarman - 2
#146 opened by benslack19 - 1
Add pyupgrade via ruff
#164 opened by nstarman - 2
runtime warning for add-edge
#154 opened by flyaflya - 2
node_fc keyword argument not recognized
#153 opened by flyaflya - 1
Images not showing up on docs
#150 opened by canyon289 - 9
daft.PGM() TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'shape'
#135 opened by arjan-hada - 3
Part of the arrows lies inside circles
#140 opened by senbaikang - 2
Default fonts not working
#128 opened by taylorwwebb - 1
Automatic placement of nodes
#122 opened by phinate - 2
Support for factor graphs
#86 opened by tdiethe - 3
Proper citation for Daft?
#121 opened by EiffL - 2
Double-line node for deterministic variables
#118 opened by randomstuff - 2
Document the release process (pushing to PyPI etc.)
#111 opened by dfm - 1
Point docs to readthedocs instead of github pages
#117 opened by dfm - 0
Document the process that we'll use for building the docs
#112 opened by dfm - 2
feature request: .render_subgraph("foo")
#90 opened by davidwhogg - 3
- 6
- 6
Need a new principal maintainer.
#108 opened by davidwhogg - 2
An example showing edge annotations is needed
#67 opened by eli-b - 3
Edge penetrating node on example MRF
#95 opened by ptbrowne - 2
label_params not in API documentation
#89 opened by davidwhogg - 3
Where do the numbers come from?
#68 opened by eli-b - 1
Self-loop needed to draw HMM diagram.
#71 opened by gundalav - 2
curved edges (arrows)
#70 opened by paulthebaker - 5
Inner and shaded nodes in same graph
#94 opened by lindeloev - 1
tweak label position in Node
#88 opened by davidwhogg - 0
inconsistent plot_params
#87 opened by davidwhogg - 6
- 2
why not auto positioning?
#81 opened by redreamality - 1
support for libpgm?
#79 opened by diego898 - 3
- 7
rectangle nodes not working
#97 opened by murphyk - 3
Add coloured edge
#66 opened by donnachakirk - 8
Plate label appears in a blue box
#102 opened by fabianmoss - 9
Plate labels and up having a blue background
#98 opened by aryaz42 - 3
bold greek letter
#96 opened by totucuong - 5
Making rectangular (square) nodes
#77 opened by striatum - 0
PGM rendering without Latex
#93 opened by hpoit - 1
Update PyPi version?
#85 opened by benrbray - 3
Generate inline graph in jupyter notebook?
#84 opened by bnlove - 2
Unable to bold some symbols?
#83 opened by ruzihao - 2
Edge pointing into a plate
#80 opened by j-faria