DJI Tello drone python interface using the official Tello SDK. Feel free to contribute!
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Flight altitude limited
#225 opened by ArkTuberGL - 0
Library throws exception at some functions
#224 opened by Jere2k03 - 0
djitellopy.tello.TelloException: Did not receive a state packet from the Tello
#223 opened by nanberone - 2
ERROR WITH enforce_types.py AND tello.py
#222 opened by Albaojea - 1
Not able to read Dji tello frames on ubuntu 20.04
#220 opened by Vaibhav1196 - 2
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Issue connect to wifi
#218 opened by yzysnake - 30
Very long lag about camera frame display
#166 opened by Aldarme - 2
Cannot set bitrate, fps and resolution
#219 opened by kiloluke - 1
Error: no valid imu
#216 opened by NabievDev - 2
non-existing PPS 0 referenced no frame error
#217 opened by semikernel - 1
Video streaming error - error while decoding MB 22 30, bytestream 127 error while decoding MB 58 37, bytestream -6
#215 opened by mathur01 - 3
Failed to grab video frames from video stream
#195 opened by Watchkut - 3
Wrong frame size in documentation
#213 opened by irudnyts - 1
[ERROR] tello.py - 442 - 'utf-8'
#214 opened by Bitahsni - 1
OSError: [WinError 6]
#207 opened by CodeLancerA - 2
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Tello drone cannot takeoff
#212 opened by Bitahsni - 1
error No valid imu
#208 opened by JcYBalaBalA - 1
Inconsistent with library, works with Droneblocks
#209 opened by geox25 - 1
DJITelloPy compatibility
#206 opened by KroSmi - 1
Issues installing on windows 11 , on Pycharm Community
#205 opened by Kousalhs - 2
DJITelloPy in Google Colab
#202 opened by camchr - 1
Turn off [INFO] tello.py ...
#204 opened by gmrwvu - 1
Only Takeoff and Landing
#197 opened by nik-hi - 1
Does it work with DJI magic mini too?
#203 opened by HumanBot000 - 1
'error Not joystick'
#201 opened by Zolubas - 2
Command of movement
#200 opened by Bitahsni - 1
Error when using with_queue for get_frame_read()
#190 opened by S-Khos - 1
connect error in vscode
#199 opened by jeonsion - 3
reading video stream with the python 3.10
#192 opened by SimaoJones - 1
Error running simple.py
#196 opened by DamoM73 - 1
tello.connect() not working
#198 opened by KnowScratcher - 3
"me.turn_motor_on()" and "me.turn_motor_off()" issue
#182 opened by Dtr1567 - 2
Strange connection errors with TelloEDU from LInux Debian 9 container on Chromebook laptop
#183 opened by abixadamj - 1
Error when using go_xyz_speed()
#191 opened by JcYBalaBalA - 4
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New Pypi release
#189 opened by wouter-heerwegh - 1
Problème Vidéo avec Tello Robomaster TT
#179 opened by lugrsmb - 0
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Response error on Windows 11
#181 opened by GreatenAnoymous - 2
Getting flight log (MVO)
#176 opened by hhjj0506 - 2
Video stream can`t load while using tkinter
#177 opened by FenixCrafter - 6
Setup.py giving syntax error.
#172 opened by hildebrandt-carl - 2
Not getting response packets for commands
#167 opened by JaPeterson1 - 0
Fix pip install -e .
#170 opened by M4GNV5 - 1
reconnect to the drone in the same script
#169 opened by azizbelkhiria