
Synfeal: A Data-Driven Simulator for Camera Localization

Primary LanguagePython

Synfeal: A Data-Driven Simulator for Camera Localization

Synfeal (Synthetic from Real) synthesizes large localization datasets free of inconsistencies based on realistic 3D reconstructions of the environment. For instructions on how to install and use, check the Documentation.

For a demonstration of the data collection procedure, see the following video:




pip3 install -r /synfeal/requirements.txt

mkdir -p $HOME/datasets/localbot
mkdir -p $HOME/models/localbot
mkdir -p $HOME/results/localbot
mkdir -p $HOME/models_3d/localbot

Add to zsh or bash file:

export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH="`rospack find synfeal_bringup`/models:${GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH}":${HOME}/models_3d/localbot
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/home/user/catkin_ws/src/synfeal"

Where /home/user/catkin_ws/src/synfeal is the location of synfeal.

How to launch the system?

First launch the texture mesh:

roslaunch synfeal_bringup bringup_mesh.launch world:=santuario.world

Then launch the virtual camera:

roslaunch synfeal_bringup bringup_camera.launch

How to collect the data?


rosrun synfeal_collection data_collector -nf 100000 -m <mode> -mc 'santuario.yaml' -s name_of_the_dataset

where mode can be one option of the following: interactive, random, path.

Adapt the yaml file according to your needs.

Activate the flag -f just to collect the RGB image and the corresponding pose.

In case you want to add objects moving through the scene add the flag -obj. If no object database is available or if you want to place the objects randomly add the flag -ro.

If you want to add variations in the light conditions add the flag -uvl and in case the variations in the light's conditions use the flag -rl.

In case you want to replicate the camera movement of a previous dataset, run:

 rosrun synfeal_collection data_collector -nf 100000 -m repeat -mc 'santuario.yaml' -s name_of_the_dataset -s_prev name_of_the_previous_dataset

How to process the dataset?


cd synfeal/process_dataset/scripts && ./process_dataset -d name_of_the_dataset -s '_processed' -fi 0.5 -pts 1000

Or, in the case of when -f is activated, run:

cd synfeal/process_dataset/scripts && ./create_statistics -d name_of_the_dataset

Then validate the dataset with:

./validate_dataset -d name_of_the_dataset

How to train the algorithms?

If you want to use the PoseNet with Beta Loss run:

./rgb_training -fn posenet_beta_lab024_50k -mn posenetgooglenet -train_set seq41 -test_set seq42 -n_epochs 300 -batch_size 45  -loss 'BetaLoss(100)' -c -im 'PoseNetGoogleNet(True,0.8)' -lr_step_size 60 -lr 1e-4 -lr_gamma 0.5 -wd 1e-2 -gpu 2

For informations on how to use other models, see https://github.com/DanielCoelho112/synfeal/blob/main/models/readme.md#L5

If you want to add data augmentation containing Random Erasing and Color Jitter add the flag -augm.

How to produce the results?


./produce_results/scripts/rgb_produce_results -test_set 'seq22_p0r20' -rf <results_folder> -mp <model_name>

How to visualize the results?


roslaunch synfeal_visualization visualize_results.launch results_folder:=synfeal0 idx_max:=100 mesh_name:=room_024