- 0
- 2
Errors when using pathview with specific pathways
#28 opened by nvelden - 0
- 4
Error in img[pidx[i, 3]:pidx[i, 4], sel.px, 1:3] : only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
#26 opened by ErickMUO - 5
No colorcode in the KEGG figure
#22 opened by Elseedy28 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
Download of hsa04110 xml file failed!
#15 opened by mewinners - 1
- 2
- 2
Issue with korg and newer species (almond)
#10 opened by alexjacobsCDS - 6
different limits and pre-defined '0' colour
#1 opened by alimayy - 1
round problem and legend
#7 opened by ArthurPERE - 7
- 2
Problems finding my organism in pathview
#24 opened by hilariodc - 2
Some pathway , eg carbon metabolism ko01200 does not return with fold change
#19 opened by liuxianghui - 0
Cannot output any pseudo colours
#21 opened by LuoJulia - 0
How to change the fonts?
#23 opened by alhadjil - 1
- 1
Pathview fails with unhelpful error message when limit is set to two equal values
#3 opened by lumotroph - 2
- 1
pathview webserver down
#6 opened by RMasteling - 8
failed to download KEGG xml/png files
#13 opened by javadnoorb - 2
- 0
- 3
licensing/copyright question
#8 opened by ivokwee - 4
ask for help about the function of pathview
#5 opened by sjtuyf - 2
bug in mol.sum when there's single gene
#2 opened by easygsea