
An awesome list of resources for reproducible research in R. Includes a table of comparison for different tools.

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An awesome list of resources for reproducible research in R, which includes a comparison table of different tools.


This awesome list contains sections that qualify a list item based on it's primary feature. However, some items might have multiple features or uncommon features. In order to account for this, we have provided a system of acronyms that will be used to label each item. Additionally, all of the primary feature acronyms describe the items as proprietary or native based on how closely they rely on existing R based technologies. In the next section we list these qualifying acronyms, and give details on what they are meant to convey.

Primary Features

  • Comprehensive Tools (NCT/PCT) - A suite of tools that accomplishes multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Project Management (NPM/PPM) - Helps plan, organize, manage, and develope R projects.
  • Package Management (NPM/PPM) - Automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, or removing R packages from the library path (.libPath).
  • R Installation (NRI/PRI) - Installs the R programming language or manage multiple version of the R programming language.
  • Repository Management (NRM/PRM) - Creates or updates local or remote package repositories.
  • Repository (NR/PR) - Public storage locations for retrieving and installing R packages.

Other Features

  • Command Line Interface (CLI) - A text based user interface that is accessed by typing a single line of text commands into the terminal or command prompt.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) - A graphical based user interface that is accessed through various icons, menus, and other visual indicators to display information and user controls.
  • Virtual Environment (VE) - A tool that helps to keep the dependencies of multiple R projects separate by creating an isolated directory tree for installation files and library paths.
  • Virtual Operating System (VOS) - A tool that virtualizes an appplication or software inside a containerized operating system.
  • R Package (RP) - The tool is an R package or is primarily written in R.
  • Python Package (PP) - The tool is a Python package or is primarily written in Python.
  • Other Language (OL) - The tools is written in another language.
  • Other Feature (OF) - The tool has a feature not described on the current list.


Comprehensive Tools

These packages or frameworks incorporate package, project, and data management into one tool/

  • rrtools - The goal of rrtools is to provide instructions, templates, and functions for making a basic compendium suitable for writing reproducible research with R
  • RSuite - R Suite is an R package which together with R Suite CLI tool enables you to design deployment workflow that fits you and makes R your primary data science platform.

Package Management

These tools are designed to manage packages or package repositories.

  • reproducible – A set of tools for R that enhance reproducibility beyond package management.

Project Management

These tools are designed to manage projects.

  • template – A template for research projects structured as R packages.
  • workflowr - Organize your project into a research website.
  • ProjectTemplate - Automatically build a directory for a new R project with a standardized subdirectory structure.

Data Management

These tools are designed to manage data.

  • DataPackageR – An R package to enable reproducible data processing, packaging and sharing.
  • archivist - An R package that stores copies of all objects along with their metadata


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