
Can't see /vectornav/INS messages

kozinofsky opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone!

I have a problem using this driver
Can't see the messages with "roll" "pitch" and "yaw" angles information (in degrees, as i says in msg/Ins.msg file)

My device is VN100
according to this I've modified /launch/vectornav.launch file to:

After running the commands:
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
and after that
roslaunch vectornav vectornav.launch

Using rostopic list
I can see the following topics:
~/catkin_ws$ rostopic list


and most of them works and shows me the messages:
IMU for example:
or temperature:

But the only one I need, with pitch, roll and yaw information, as I understand, should be in /vectornav/INS
and when I run the command:
rostopic echo /vectornav/INS
it just give me nothing:

Please, advise, what can be the issue here?

Thanks in advance!


Sorry, forgot to mention, the board computer has Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS1 melodic (right now trying the driver on an x86 computer, but the goal is to make it work on Nvidia TX2)

Found a solution for my particular problem.

I just commented "if" condition for the INS publishing part of the C++ script, see the screenshot below.

In the file /vectornav/src/main.cpp I've commented lines 814-816 and 820
So, basically, I just removed an if condition for the INS part.
Seems like for some reason it doesn't get "True" and the publishing INS part of the code just skipped.

Didn't try it before, because it is absolutely the same condition as for IMU data, or temperature data.
Maybe because these are (IMU and temperature) default ROS messages, publishing IMU/temperature data didn't have the same problem as INS publishing (which is processed data I believe, so it is not raw data, like IMU for instance)