
ROS packages to enable mobile-manipulator planning with MoveIt!

Primary LanguageC++


ROS packages to enable mobile-manipulator planning with MoveIt!


Add odom_x, odom_y, odom_r virtual joints (linear, linear, revolution) to your existing URDF model to let any kinematics library to calculate inverse kinematics of the mobile base.


Create virtual joint that can be accessed from ros_controllers and loopback joint value from the other joint. This virtual joint can be used as a shared memory between the realtime controllers.

We use this module to create odom_x, odom_y, odom_r virtual joints which accept joint trajectory command from MoveIt! and subsequently used by mobile base controller.


This ros_controller will subscribe to /cmd_vel topic and write velocity command to odom_x, odom_y, odom_r virtual joints.

We use this controller to accept command from ros_nav.


Yosuke Matsusaka (MID Academic Promotions, Inc.)