
This project uses the rtabmap ros package to map a virtual environment - Robotics Udacity ND

Primary LanguageCMake

Map my World Project - Robotics Udacity ND

RTABMap ROS package to map a world in Gazebo as well as localize the robot itself


The robot uses the rtabmap_ros ROS package, that can be installed through apt-get.

Make sure you have all deps in your system running: rosdep -i install rtabmap_ros.

Follow the instructions here, depending on your ros version: [http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros]

Clone repo

Once you've created your catkin_ws workspace, inside src folder, clone this repo:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone https://github.com/diegoavillegasg/mapping-a-world

Build Package

Standing out in catkin_ws folder, build the package:

cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make

Load current workspace variables

source dev/setup.bash

Launching ROS nodes

To start environment: roslaunch my_robot world.launch

To launch the teleop node: roslaunch my_robot teleop.launch

To launch SLAM node in mapping mode: roslaunch my_robot mapping.launch

In folder maps you can find two maps created for this environment. Because of files oversized the limit of github, please download them from the following links:

rtabmap.db [https://www.dropbox.com/s/le8ysgcfrxtdts9/rtabmap.db?dl=0]

rtabmap1.db [https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwb76rlkmjc06g8/rtabmap1.db?dl=0]

Using rtabmap.db file

Using rtabmap1.db file