
How can I solve this issue?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I am trying to run scRNA data on Ecotyper recently. However, I encountered some issues that I can't solve, thus wanted to seek your help.

I dont' know how to solve it, it didn't show any useful information about the error message as following:

(base) root@interactive52680:/home/chenxiaolin/ecotyper-master# Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R -d Carcinoma -m ecotyper_scRNA/GSE176078.expr.txt -a ecotyper_scRNA/GSE176078.anno.txt -o RecoveryOutput -s 60
The annotation file contains column 'Sample', and more than half of the cell types are present in the recovery dataset. Will perform ecotype recovery.
Running cell state recovery on cell type: PCs...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: Endothelial.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: CD4.T.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: Dendritic.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: CD8.T.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: Epithelial.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: Monocytes.and.Macrophages...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: B.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: NK.cells...
Running cell state recovery on cell type: Fibroblasts...
Downsampling cell type 'Dendritic.cells' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'NK.cells' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'B.cells' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'CD8.T.cells' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'Monocytes.and.Macrophages' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'Fibroblasts' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'CD4.T.cells' to 60 cells...
Downsampling cell type 'Epithelial.cells' to 60 cells...
Error in RunJobQueue() :
EcoTyper failed. Please check the error message above!
Execution halted

Thank you again for your attention. I am really appreciated for your help.

This seems to be related to a memory issue, for example if you are running EcoTyper in an interactive session on a server/cluster. Try allocating more memory, especially when working with scRNA-seq data.

How many cells do you have? I would try downsampling the file prior to running EcoTyper.

How big is your scRNA-seq dataset? How many cells? You tried downsampling your input file prior to running EcoTyper? If so there could be an issue with the formatting of your input file.