- 5
Please change whitespace character color
#328 opened by kanneg881 - 4
- 5
The highlighting of diagnostics should not change the color of the entire line of text.
#326 opened by scottming - 0
Support PmenuMatch and PmenuMatchSel
#324 opened by benknoble - 3
- 23
Highlight works from the start with treesitter, but is lost after sourcing vimrc.
#280 opened by nimeco - 13
Cannot customize plugin specific highlight groups linked in /after files.
#320 opened by adriantrunzo - 8
Treesitter Markdown highlighting
#317 opened by GNOMES - 1
Lunar Vim Color Scheme Mismatch to Other Editors
#316 opened by AhmedLilah - 4
How dracula supports italics for comments
#315 opened by Elite-zx - 12
nvim nerd font icons
#313 opened by AndreM222 - 5
Issue with tree-sitter-css
#288 opened by tientrinh21 - 16
[Feature Request]: lsp semantic highlight
#290 opened by I-Want-ToBelieve - 4
Dracula not working
#309 opened by rojosinalma - 2
- 3
- 5
Sourcing vimrc changes theme
#303 opened by hvsouza - 10
theme is transparent in kitty
#284 opened by sujitbalasubramanian - 1
- 5
Janky Cursorline Highlighting With Treesitter
#295 opened by unrealapex - 14
Invalid character in group name
#296 opened by aleal-shopify - 4
the diff mode color
#276 opened by etorth - 6
Colors of Dracula theme are off.
#277 opened by marc-marcos - 34
Better Highlight with Neovim Treesitter
#253 opened by EduardoAraujoB - 10
Not able to see the NonText
#247 opened by ddaza - 2
How can i switch the outlook of the theme?
#258 opened by h-hkai - 6
nvim-cmp colors
#278 opened by caarlos0 - 1
How to change shade of green
#279 opened by norogoth - 3
- 4
- 2
[advice] change the name of plugin
#281 opened by Freed-Wu - 1
The color of variables imported in typescript code is different from vscode
#271 opened by I-Want-ToBelieve - 2
- 9
vim theme Background color problem
#268 opened by sunhongfan - 5
Should not set the foreground color for undercurl highlights for every terminal
#266 opened by saviocmc - 9
Can't work properly
#265 opened by elin-croft - 8
- 16
- 1
Website Install Corrections
#262 opened by pgierz - 2
- 2
Vim color issue with js, ts
#257 opened by tranduchuy - 9
- 3
Some text seems to just render white
#254 opened by iSeanRyan - 2
Need better installation instructions for Windows
#244 opened by benknoble - 1
vim dracula not consistent with IDE
#250 opened by XDinEuro - 4
What is the font in screenshot.png?
#249 opened by mysteryjeans - 3
Support for .sol Ethereum Solidity source code
#243 opened by AdamBD - 3
- 2
Blue text get's inverted in vim & neovim in tmux
#242 opened by ngerritsen - 1
LspLspReferenceText LspReferenceRead LspReferenceWrite are not defined rendering text under cursor unreadable on Neovim LSP
#240 opened by chasinglogic