
Game and Media Technology MSc at Utrecht University (2020)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WebGL Path Tracer

Demo: webgl-path-tracer

Report: Master_Thesis_Report.pdf

Rendered Scenes

Sponza Pica Room Avocados


  • [+] Next Event Estimation and Multiple Importance Sampling ported from LightHouse2
  • [+] Ordered BVH traversal algorithm implemented
  • [+] Multiple GL textures exploited for skydome and albedo textures loading
  • [+] GLTF file loading improved: multiple meshes with different textures support; few crucial bug fixes: do not calculate GL texture size at run-time
  • [+] Skydome sampling
  • [+] Base color and albedo textures support
  • [+] Geometry loading from GLTF files
  • [+] Improved user interface: website buttons to control actions such as changing scene, stop/resume rendering
  • [+] Scene camera controls via website buttons or keyboard
  • [+] GLSL shaders separated into external files
  • [+] Russian Roulette method to evaluate ray survival probability
  • [+] BVH acceleration structure implemented. Built on JavaScript side and then passed to the fragment shader via GL texture. Traversed using stack on the shader side.
  • [+] Randomize light based on seed {time, pixel coordinates, loop iteration}
  • [+] Pass scene triangles and lights to the shader via texture


  • Install dependencies listed in package.json, and then bundle JavasScript source files
npm install

npm run develop
npm run build
  • Translate TypeScript to JavaScript: run Build Task in Visual Studio Code (CTRL + SHIFT + B)
  • Deploy /dist content on a web server excluding /dist/.tmp folder.