Stratified Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation (CVPR 2022)
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#59 opened by caimingqi - 1
RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Expected size 67568 but got size 3 for tensor number 1 in the list.
#95 opened by sabir-1010 - 0
- 10
Overfitting on S3DIS during training
#63 opened by QasimKhan5x - 0
Class_3 iou = 0
#100 opened by Buanma - 0
Function understand:get_indice_pairs(p2v_map, counts, new_p2v_map, new_counts, downsample_idx, batch, xyz, window_size, i)
#99 opened by Buanma - 0
Error when Training s3dis
#98 opened by leenamx - 0
FLOPs calculations
#97 opened by ZhaochongAn - 0
I have 10.1 CUDA and 1.7.1 PyTorch in the virtual environment, and my graphics card is 4070ti,
#96 opened by 1234jpm - 0
Caught an unknown exception!
#94 opened by PANFEI-CHENG - 3
Error for install torch_points3d
#89 opened by NoName5990 - 0
- 1
- 0
How to finetune Stratified-Transformer
#92 opened by Berumotto1 - 0
TypeError: can't pickle _thread.RLock objects
#91 opened by shuzhangshu - 1
#81 opened by SC-shendazt - 2
ERROR: No matching distribution found for setuptools==50.3.1.post20201107
#72 opened by Lizhijian-123 - 1
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Regarding voxelization preprocessing
#86 opened by ayushjain1144 - 1
Supplementary documents on the paper
#88 opened by LiuDongzhen44 - 3
Cannot install torch_points3d
#56 opened by Akimoto-Cris - 0
new dataset
#87 opened by MXA404 - 0
issue with SharedArray
#85 opened by MXA404 - 1
No evaluation on Hallway_6 on S3DIS Area5
#84 opened by loicland - 0
Parameter settings
#82 opened by C-hongfei - 1
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Clarification Questions
#78 opened by ayushjain1144 - 1
K-sampling strategies
#76 opened by OPradelle - 1
- 1
DataParallel error -> RuntimeError: Caught RuntimeError in replica 0 on device 0
#75 opened by praj441 - 1
License Declaration
#73 opened by neonglb - 1
S3DIS Train/Test Splits
#71 opened by acaglayan - 1
- 2
What does the 'offset' mean ?
#66 opened by HiOn1111 - 0
Data out of range in 'get_indice_pairs' fuction
#70 opened by Machinerr - 1
Environment Bug
#69 opened by mttbyte - 1
Definition of some terms in config file
#68 opened by QasimKhan5x - 3
Segmentation fault during testing
#65 opened by daylight111 - 1
How can you apply nn.linear in upsampling
#64 opened by LEEHK96 - 1
- 3
Problems with the scannetv2 dataset
#60 opened by XIAOGUOY - 1
How much time is spent during training?
#58 opened by TangYuan96 - 1
About 'get_indice_pairs' function
#57 opened by Machinerr - 4
C/h template
#54 opened by kabouzeid - 1
About Model Ensemble
#55 opened by chaolongy - 1
About Performance
#53 opened by aoligei178 - 1
ScanNet evaluation
#51 opened by LifeBeyondExpectations - 1
How did you get the result of Point Transformer on Scannet Scene Segmentation?
#52 opened by yuchenlichuck - 5