
Script works but does not send email

ThomasSalty opened this issue · 4 comments


I've been using your script since October, 2020 with no issues.
But today, for some reason it stopped sending me emails, however everything still gets recorded in the spreadsheet on submit.

What can cause it not to send the emails?

If permissions got revoked, or if you hit your email API limits. That’s all I know that would make it not work... unless Google has something wrong.

Is there any way to check those permissions and/or the API limits?

Also which line should I check for Email Send quota here?
Google Apps Script - Quotas for Google Services

I always send the email to just one email address.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know, I've figured out what caused the problem.
The TO_ADDRESS I was using had email forwarding set up to my main email address but the forwarding didn't work.
When I actually logged in to TO_ADDRESS, I saw all my emails there. 😆
I fixed the forwarding issue and now it's back to normal, so my bad 😁

Thanks for catching that & reporting back for others to learn from/avoid the same error. That's a tricky one too... good catch!