:email: An Example of using an HTML form (e.g: "Contact Us" on a website) to send Email without a Backend Server (using a Google Script) perfect for static websites that need to collect data.
- 1
Checkbox always gives value even when not checked
#456 opened by Tristan1903 - 2
checkbox input always give "on" even when is off
#455 opened by cabralium - 1
Getting an Error: Script function not found: doGet even though a post request is made
#458 opened by StylianosThomas - 0
File input
#454 opened by Emmanuel-Dimz - 4
QUESTION - Does This Work With React?
#452 opened by autumn-lindberg - 5
It only works on PC, Windows, and Android.
#451 opened by nextron-microprobe - 2
reload upon submission
#449 opened by daniice - 2
{"result":"error","error":{"message":"\"TO_ADDRESS\" is not defined.","name":"ReferenceError","fileName":"script","lineNumber":56,"stack":"\tat script:56 (doPost)\n"}}
#448 opened by SmokeV4 - 7
Mail is no longer delivered
#447 opened by tumise100 - 4
Receive Pictures and Documents
#446 opened by oskarkarol - 1
Thank You message doesn't disply
#444 opened by VintageOrigal - 1
- 0
update links
#430 opened by Arhell - 0
update & fix readme links
#428 opened by Arhell - 4
#421 opened by eetuhal - 3
Hide hidden input fields in email
#427 opened by rfingerlos - 1
Checkbox input fields issue
#426 opened by rfingerlos - 3
Adding new entries to the top of google sheet
#423 opened by jmorim - 1
ajax post works on pc but doesnt on mobile phones?
#425 opened by pr0ncoin - 9
Implementing g-recaptcha-response validation
#417 opened by heliusAurelius - 0
send email via google script html
#424 opened by Niwanjana - 0
Can You please provide video.
#422 opened by abhishekhacker-cyber - 7
Update tutorial for latest IDE version
#393 opened by mckennapsean - 12
- 1
Help with customizing the email sent
#419 opened by mahmouderaqi - 1
Delete/Trash sent email
#416 opened by robocrax - 2
Assign Columns to specific checkboxes
#413 opened by genesisoliva - 3
Hidden form inputs
#403 opened by ririko5834 - 6
Script function not found: doGet
#400 opened by kownglisa - 2
checkboxes shown as selected
#414 opened by Batareika007 - 5
- 1
How can I use this solution in React?
#411 opened by chwonseok - 0
#415 opened by firepoi27 - 5
Subject text change
#412 opened by genesisoliva - 5
Input checkbox when unchecked is returning null
#410 opened by popdelart - 6
Creating a new sheet
#408 opened by asmirbe - 0
No email received after submitting
#406 opened by damienwolf07 - 2
How to require input fields to be filled?
#405 opened by TamoghnaK13 - 4
Why not just use mailto ?
#402 opened by bacloud23 - 0
Confirmatory Checks For The Form Script
#401 opened by eqan - 3
GitHub discussions beta
#397 opened by mckennapsean - 4
Script works but does not send email
#396 opened by ThomasSalty - 1
Script function not found: doGet
#395 opened by owlthecoder - 3
Thank you message not displaying
#394 opened by jchesner - 1
Issue post submitting
#392 opened by dhiraj898 - 5
Issue receiving email
#390 opened by harbourart - 5
Undefined field in email body
#389 opened by byco - 1
- 2
Refused to connect
#384 opened by in3166 - 2