:email: An Example of using an HTML form (e.g: "Contact Us" on a website) to send Email without a Backend Server (using a Google Script) perfect for static websites that need to collect data.
- bensumsUppsala, Sweden
- chisNaN@webiscool
- computingfreakMumbai, India
- DavidHavlDavidHavl
- designmeltdown
- eduponte
- eiriklvIndependent
- ftipalek@Conductor @ContentKing
- gregorychalenko
- hernangiorSEFAZ-PI
- jaimehtaOMCOM
- jhakerAustin, TX
- jhcloos
- justjeffChicago, IL
- kirkchrisNetflix
- klord9x
- krzysdb
- MassimoCappellanomyself
- matthewgloverFortis Green Digital
- mckennapsean@lucidsoftware
- mingyar@Btime
- mrm7moudGaza
- nelsonic@dwyl
- newhope
- O-Mutt@allergan-data-labs
- paulstefandayMelbourne, Australia
- positionnsuslab
- protomorphProtomorph
- rickyuan
- sergeytREGIE.AI
- shameerpuri
- silvaesouzaSão Paulo/SP
- sohilpandya@ZeroDegreesHolding @trussle @pizzahutuk @foundersandcoders & @dwyl
- tilakapash
- vrcca@remoteoss
- zoltan-kovacSlovakia