:email: An Example of using an HTML form (e.g: "Contact Us" on a website) to send Email without a Backend Server (using a Google Script) perfect for static websites that need to collect data.
- adrianchinghc@upstackstudio
- AdrianoCahete@philips-internal
- atifkhan161Pune
- bash@messerli-informatik-ag
- bnnsz
- brenopolanskiBrazil
- brunoziie
- canadacoderToronto, Ontario, Canada
- carmocodePortugal
- carolinerusso
- danielleplatt95Nomensa
- diogomoretti@mercadolibre
- EmualliTailor
- fabriciomrkonellWEG
- fdaciuk@queroserninja
- gusshmeloRecife - PE, Brazil
- iteles@dwyl
- jeve75htmlfactory.it
- JuanCrg90Leon, Gto. Mexico
- linth
- lucascantor@intercom
- maggiomaressoftware
- muladamai
- nelsonic@dwyl
- nstevens
- p0o@respond-io
- psicorpszone
- richardfrostUnited States
- ruvidoFreiburg
- saviomd@ab-inbev-growth-tech @ab-inbev-ze-company @proclubshead
- seerahulsinghVaranasi
- sohilpandya@ZeroDegreesHolding @trussle @pizzahutuk @foundersandcoders & @dwyl
- thiagoodsBinderPOS
- thulioph@HelloFresh
- vancetranSF Bay Area
- welksonramos@enuves