
How to release the end effector from leveling.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is this a hardware issue with MyCobot?
We are currently using a 6-axis robot arm (MyCobot) controlled by MoveIt and with the addition of a gripper. Moveit's automatic route generation cannot sample the valid state of the goal tree if error: RRTConnect: z = 0.15 or less. I want to grab something close to the ground. As you can see in this image, I think one of the factors is that the angle of the 4th axis does not change downward. After investigating, I think that the function to keep the position of the end effector horizontal is working. Is there a way to unlock it and use Move to bring the end effector closer to the ground? We have confirmed that the designated position is a position where the target can be achieved.

Screenshot from 2021-11-22 11-26-13


#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "pickandplacer");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(2);

  moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface arm("mycobot_arm");


  ROS_INFO("Moving to prepare pose");
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose1;
  pose1.header.frame_id = "base_link";
  pose1.pose.position.x = 0.0;
  pose1.pose.position.y = 0.25;
  pose1.pose.position.z = 0.15;

  moveit::planning_interface::MoveItErrorCode ret;

  ROS_INFO("move to WP1");
  ret = arm.move();
  if (!ret) {
    ROS_WARN("Fail: %i", ret.val);

  return 0;


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot xmlns:xacro="http://www.ros.org/wiki/xacro" name="firefighter"

    <xacro:property name="width" value=".2" />
    <material name="dark blue">
        <color rgba="0.1 0.1 0.9 1" />
    <material name="gray">
        <color rgba="0.8 0.8 0.8 1" />
    <link name="world"/>

  <link name="base_link"/>
  <joint name="world_to_base_link" type="fixed">
    <parent link="world"/>
    <child link="base_link"/>
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
   <!-- holder joint & link -->
    <joint name="base_bottom_joint" type="fixed">
        <parent link="base_link" />
        <child link="base_bottom_link" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <link name="base_bottom_link">
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" />
        <mass value="3" />
          <inertia ixx="1.0" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="1.0" iyz="0.0" izz="1.0" />

        <visual name="base_bottom">
         <origin xyz="0 0 0.01" rpy="0 0 0" />
         <material name="LightGrey">
           <color rgba="0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0"/>
             <box size="0.15 0.15 0.02" />
        <collision name="base_bottom">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <box size="0.15 0.15 0.02" />
    <!-- body joint & link -->
    <joint name="body_joint" type="fixed">
        <parent link="base_bottom_link" />
        <child link="body_link" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0.01" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <link name="body_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link1.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0 " rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link1.stl" />
            <material name="dark blue" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.075" />
            <mass value="5" />
            <inertia ixx="1.0" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="1.0" iyz="0.0" izz="1.0" />

    <!-- arm1 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm1_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="body_link" />
        <child link="arm1_link" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0.0706" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="0 0 1" />
        <limit effort="30" lower="-2.88" upper="2.88" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm1_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0 " rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link2.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0 " rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link2.stl" />
            <material name="gray" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.075" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

    <!-- arm2 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm2_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="arm1_link" />
        <child link="arm2_link" />
        <origin xyz="0.03256 0  0.05976" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="1 0 0" />
        <limit effort="30" lower="-2.88" upper="2.88" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm2_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0 " rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link3.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0 " rpy=" 0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link3.stl" />
            <material name="gray" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.06" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

    <!-- arm3 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm3_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="arm2_link" />
        <child link="arm3_link" />
        <origin xyz="0.00272 0 0.1104" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="1 0 0" />
        <limit effort="30" lower="-2.88" upper="2.88" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm3_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link4.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link4.stl" />
            <material name="gray" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.06" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

    <!-- arm4 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm4_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="arm3_link" />
        <child link="arm4_link" />
        <origin xyz="-0.00164 0 0.096" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="1 0 0" />
        <limit effort="30.0" lower="-2.88" upper="2.88" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm4_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link5.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link5.stl" />
            <material name="gray" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.06" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

    <!-- arm5 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm5_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="arm4_link" />
        <child link="arm5_link" />
        <origin xyz="0.0288 0 0.02976" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="0 0 1" />
        <limit effort="30" lower="-2.88" upper="2.88" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm5_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/collision/link6.stl" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
                <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/stl/visual/link6.stl" />
            <material name="gray" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.06" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

    <!-- arm6 joint & link -->
    <joint name="arm6_joint" type="revolute">
        <parent link="arm5_link" />
        <child link="arm6_link" />
        <origin xyz="0 0.0456 0.03792" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <axis xyz="0 1 0" />
        <limit effort="30" lower="-3.05" upper="3.05" velocity="1.5" />
    <link name="arm6_link">
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="1.57075 0 0" />
                <cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.02" />
            <origin xyz="0.0 0 0" rpy="1.57075 0 0" />
                <cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.02" />
            <material name="dark blue" />
            <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.06" />
            <mass value="0.1" />
            <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" />

  <!-- gripper joint & link -->
  <joint name="gitpper_joint" type="fixed">
    <axis xyz="0 0 0"/>
    <limit effort = "1000.0" lower = "-3.14" upper = "3.14159" velocity = "0"/>
    <parent link="arm6_link"/>
    <child link="gripper"/>
    <origin xyz= "0 0 0" rpy = "0 0 0 "/>

  <link name="gripper">
       <mesh filename="package://mycobot_description/meshes/dae/gripper.dae" />
      <origin xyz = "0 0 0 " rpy = " 0 0 0"/>

<transmission name="trans_arm1_joint">
        <joint name="arm1_joint">
        <actuator name="arm1_joint_motor">
    <transmission name="trans_arm2_joint">
        <joint name="arm2_joint">
        <actuator name="arm2_joint_motor">
    <transmission name="trans_arm3_joint">
        <joint name="arm3_joint">
        <actuator name="arm3_joint_motor">
    <transmission name="trans_arm4_joint">
        <joint name="arm4_joint">
        <actuator name="arm4_joint_motor">
    <transmission name="trans_arm5_joint">
        <joint name="arm5_joint">
        <actuator name="arm5_joint_motor">
    <transmission name="trans_arm6_joint">
        <joint name="arm6_joint">
        <actuator name="arm6_joint_motor">

<!-- camera joint & link -->

    <link name="camera_link" />

    <joint name="camera" type="fixed">
    <parent link="world" />
    <child link="camera_link" />
    <origin xyz="0.0 0.3 0.4" rpy="0.3 3.14 0"/>

<!-- camera holder joint & link -->

<xacro:include filename="$(find gazebo_sensors_tutorial)/robot/sensors/cam_holder.urdf.xacro"/>

    <joint name="camera_holder_joint" type="fixed">
    <parent link="base_link" />
    <child link="camera_holder_link" />
    <origin xyz="0 -0.50 0" rpy="1.5705 0 0"/>

<link name="camera_holder_link" />

  <xacro:cam_holder name="camera_holder" parent="base_link">
    <origin xyz="0 -0.17 1.0" rpy="0 0 1.5705"/>

        <plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="libgazebo_ros_control.so">

@yo4hi6o It looks like the end effector is very close to the ground in the picture, doesn't it? Can you provide a more detailed description? I cannot understand your needs from your expression.

@yo4hi6o It is good that you confirmed the designed position is avaliable for the robot, and this shows that it is less possible to be a hardware issue of the robot.

According to the error log you provided RRTConnect: z = 0.15 or less and your code pose1.pose.position.z = 0.15;, it seems that there is something wrong with position z setting. Please try other values of position z setting, and see if it's possible to reach your goal. Otherwise, check the corresponding URDF file and exam the whole moving process.

Hope this helps.