- 35
Windows Version Can't Start dispread.exe
#424 opened by oaschwab - 5
- 0
(macOS - ARM) Cannot measure with Argyll 3.x
#460 opened by son01490517 - 2
Error with 3DLUT creation for the DCDM target
#459 opened by janos666 - 1
- 13
- 6
- 4
- 3
Crash when creating colorimeter correction
#450 opened by grishi - 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
DisplayCAL 3.9.14 for Windows no start sound
#454 opened by FQDianYan - 0
- 3
What would be needed to maintain this and add it to the Archlinux User Repository AUR ?
#449 opened by zDEFz - 0
DisplayCAL 3.9.14 measurement report for Windows does not use selected colorimeter correction.
#441 opened by VgerTest - 1
[Windows] Assertion failed on launch
#447 opened by Acrivec - 2
"Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>" - DisplayCAL 3.9.14 with dogegen on Windows 11 x64
#446 opened by SephirothFFKH - 9
- 13
- 7
Mac installer package fails to run post installation
#435 opened by borez - 0
- 2
- 1
Exception on Windows when quitting profile manager
#440 opened by Argyrum - 13
White Point Issue & CDM Issue?
#411 opened by decayedxistence - 2
- 1
Reference Monitor calibration via Davinci Resolve 19
#437 opened by CandiumQ - 5
Crash towards the end of the process
#396 opened by Kakupakat - 3
Error messages after installation on HTPC
#422 opened by lello58 - 8
DisplayCal .dmg for x86?
#431 opened by decayedxistence - 0
Update README for MacOS
#432 opened by eoyilmaz - 3
py2exe errors out
#416 opened by eoyilmaz - 17
Fail to open Calibrate window
#415 opened by marillat - 4
New release please ?
#401 opened by marillat - 20
- 2
error when trying to run displaycal on kde neon
#382 opened by cogsfx - 5
Cannot load local setting
#384 opened by enokoneko - 2
Add support for Python 3.13
#421 opened by eoyilmaz - 1
Disable Universal Wheel Creation
#400 opened by eoyilmaz - 0
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'Int32'. Did you mean: 'int32'
#417 opened by eoyilmaz - 4
Sonoma 14.4 & Spyder X black screen
#395 opened by Tonym69 - 2
any idea how to fix `/usr/include/X11/extensions/Xrandr.h:339:61: note: expected ‘long unsigned int *’ but argument is of type ‘long unsigned int **’` on fedora 40
#391 opened by tolland - 8
Encoding Problems in Wexpect for non cp1252 or utf-8
#406 opened by eoyilmaz - 5
Probem to build 3.9.13 and errors on startup
#404 opened by marillat - 9
- 1
A word to the developers
#386 opened by JavaGaoshou - 1
Measurement area does not show up
#394 opened by tilmanben - 1
Issues starting the App
#393 opened by phmg701 - 2
crash when quitting on macOS Sonoma 14.6
#388 opened by raylau1234 - 6